Why Does Fever Occur?

Have you ever wondered why your body temperature rises? This is a natural defense mechanism, even if it creates many unpleasant symptoms. Find out more useful information in this article!
Why does fever occur?

Have you ever wondered why fever occurs? Fever (or pyrexia) occurs when the body temperature rises above normal. It is a protective mechanism and most of the population suffers from fever at some point in their lives.

Why does fever occur?

There are many reasons why a person may have a fever. Often, the fever has to do with the presence of pathogens that the body identifies as foreign substances. Of course, this makes us wonder why our body temperature rises. At first, it may seem counterproductive, as all the symptoms associated with an abnormal rise in body temperature add to the discomfort caused by the microorganism in question.

However, fever has an evolutionary significance, as do all human physiological responses. In today’s article, we will explain why fever is necessary for survival.

Increased body temperature

A child with a fever
Temperatures above 39 ° C (102 ° F) are dangerous without proper medical care.

Why do we have a fever?

First of all, we must look at fever as an ancient defense mechanism. The hypothalamus, the section of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature, sends signals to raise body temperature when it identifies molecules called pyrogens in the blood. A pyrogen is any substance that produces fever. Pyrogens can be polysaccharides, debris or products from the bacterial cell wall.

The immune system, which causes inflammation, responds defensively to the presence of invaders in the human body. So, fever is an element of defense.

The body’s internal system hopes that, as the temperature rises, the microorganisms sensitive to change will die. Most bacteria and viruses that cause infections are destroyed at 37.5 ° C.

As body temperature rises, microorganisms stop reproducing or at least do not do so so quickly and efficiently. Therefore, they increase their vulnerability to the agents of the immune system. Therefore, fever is an evolutionary mechanism with a clear purpose: the destruction of pathogens.

Young woman wondering why the fever occurs
Febrile discomfort occurs due to the symptoms that the high temperature triggers in the body.

Is fever a vestigial or useful mechanism?

This is a topical medical debate. While some professionals prefer to keep the fever at medium levels so that the immune system responds better, others are in favor of trying to reduce it with antipyretics. There is no unanimous answer in this regard. However, all doctors agree that a patient with a fever above 39 ° C needs immediate treatment.

For this reason, there are over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin or paracetamol, that can lower body temperature. Because modern medicine has provided us with antibiotics and antivirals, it is no longer necessary to experience drastic increases in temperature to combat disease.

High body temperature is a reason to consult a doctor

For parents, raising their children’s body temperature is often a cause for concern. However, they must learn to tell the difference between a mild fever, which cannot exceed 38 ° C, and a high fever of 39 ° C or more.

In any case, fever is always a reason to consult a doctor. Call or visit your doctor if you notice an increase in body temperature, so that he can give you a prompt diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

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