When The Need To Cry Becomes Too Strong

Sometimes you need to satisfy your need to cry in order to regain your strength and cope with the obstacles you face throughout your life. 
When the need to cry becomes too strong

My need to cry does not arise from weakness, from the lack of power to oppose them or from the desire to forget everything I have achieved so far. I feel like crying precisely because I was very strong and now I feel the need to free myself.

Some people still think that a crying man is weak. Maybe you even argue with yourself when I shed tears because of the difficult circumstances you are in.

You go through countless hardships, you are the pillar of resistance of the whole family, you stand even when everything around you falls apart. You always force yourself to be strong, even if you feel you can’t.

Even the strongest tree can be swept away by a tsunami

The need to cry is normal

When you cry, you break free. It’s a perfectly normal thing. Even the strongest tree can be knocked down by a tsunami. You are not made of stone and you have already endured much so far. 

The worst decision is to refrain from crying, swallow your tears and pretend you don’t need to shed them. You also know that sooner or later they will still fall. No matter how much you postpone the moment, it will still come. No one can be strong every day of his life, especially when he feels that everything has turned against him.

So cry! Take away all the anger, frustration and fatigue you have accumulated. You will feel much better in the end. After all, we all need a release.

It is important to be resilient. But you also have to find a way to free yourself from the pressure that is suffocating you. Accept this reality and don’t force yourself so much to be perfect.

The need to cry is caused by stress

The need to cry is caused by stress

The need to cry after a difficult period is the result of the stress accumulated during all that time. Even if we don’t like it, stress is present in many situations in our lives.

Stress always comes when we least expect it. Sometimes, this emotional state forces us to slow down a bit or give up certain obligations.

In case you didn’t know, stress has three distinct stages that you need to know how to identify. In this way, you will be able to manage difficult situations much better.

Alarm stage

At this stage, the escape reaction is activated, which warns you that you are facing a danger. In these moments you do not think, you only act.

Resistance stage

If the previous stage lasts a long time, move on to the next phase, in which you prepare for what awaits you, whatever it may be. You try to stay strong, but in the end you get tired.

Exhaustion stage

The situation that caused you stress did not disappear, but the previous stage drained you of strength.

Only now do you get to the point where you need to cry to enjoy that release needed after such a long time when you were strong.

The need to cry is not a weakness

Set certain limits

If you are facing a new situation that you have not been through before, it is difficult to take measures to prevent it. Therefore, it is necessary to set some limits,  to put yourself first and not to offer more than you can.

  • If you are a parent, you are in a position of authority or you have a certain responsibility, you put so many burdens on your shoulders that you end up sinking.
  • You are a man, not a machine. You have certain limits.
  • That is why it is good to pay attention to the above steps in order to give up the things that affect you negatively.
  • If you say “stop” in time, you will realize how far you can go.
The need to cry is beneficial

However, there is one more important thing you need to learn to do. You have to accept that you can’t always be the wall that people around you lean on, the light that guides everyone.

Allow yourself to be weak, to cry, to collapse. Only in this way will you be able to rise to the surface again and take measures to protect yourself and avoid falling into extremes again.

Only you know how far you can go. But it is not the case that you empty all your reserves. If you can’t do anything, nothing bad will happen. The need to cry is a beneficial thing that helps you.

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