What Are Inhalers And How Do They Work?

Inhalers are a type of asthma treatment. There are various supplements and medications to keep your asthma under control. Discover more interesting information in this article!
What are inhalers and how do they work?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease. It causes inflammation of the bronchi and decreases their volume. Therefore, the air gets harder in the lungs when you try to breathe. Find out below what asthma inhalers are and how they work.

Inflammation of the bronchi can occur due to an allergic reaction to various stimuli. The bronchi can be very sensitive or very active in the presence of certain external factors, such as extreme cold, physical exertion, cigarette smoke, etc. The bronchi gradually begin to narrow, preventing the patient from breathing normally.

Although we know what triggers asthma attacks, experts have not yet discovered what causes this disease. The condition is also partly genetic, as it occurs mainly in patients with a family history of asthma.

Some patients may not have any symptoms for long periods of time, then experience regular asthma attacks. Some of the most common asthma symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, even when the patient is resting. Other symptoms include mucus, sneezing and more.

Once an exact diagnosis is established, the doctor will present the patient with a treatment and control plan for the disease. There are two different types of treatment:

  • Lifestyle changes: these consist of simple measures that must be taken in order to prevent asthma attacks and the main symptoms of the disease. For example, patients should avoid environments that make it difficult for them to breathe.
  • Use of inhalers to treat symptoms.

What are inhalers for treating asthma?

As a general rule, this term refers to a group of medicines used to treat asthma. They can be used during an asthma attack or to prevent such an episode.

Woman using an asthma inhaler

Depending on the characteristics of the product and the effects it has on each patient, there are several types of inhalers. Your doctor will introduce you to several products and talk about their side effects. But you will be able to realize how effective an inhaler is and how long it has an effect on you only after testing the product.

What are inhalers and how do they work?

The most common types of inhalers are:

Anti-inflammatory inhalers

These inhalers have beneficial effects because they reduce the possible inflammation of the lining of the bronchi. They are generally formulated with corticosteroids such as Fluticasone, Budesonide or Beclomethasone.

Other useful substances are sodium cromoglycate and nedocromil sodium. You can dose the product by inhalation through the nose or mouth. They treat asthma attacks and eliminate its symptoms.

Bronchodilator inhalers

These inhalers are divided into two distinct types:

  • Beta adrenergic antagonists. These are usually the most common bronchodilator inhalers recommended by doctors. They act on the muscles around the bronchi. As a result, the airways may relax to function properly. To achieve this, bronchodilator inhalers block the action of a chemical called acetylcholine.
  • Methylxanthine. They are responsible for relaxing and enlarging the bronchi. Therefore, they improve blood circulation in the area. Thus, the heart will be able to function more easily, and the patient will be able to breathe without problems.
Girl suffering from asthma

Antihistamine inhalers

This group of drugs decreases sensitivity to allergens. Therefore, they stop allergic reactions to very low temperatures, cigarette smoke and others. They can successfully control asthma symptoms. They stop sneezing, treat itchy eyes and tears and relieve nasal symptoms.


Immunotherapy is recommended for patients allergic to certain things that directly cause asthma symptoms. In general, doctors give patients very low doses of allergen. Over time, the patient’s body gets used to the allergen, making asthma attacks rarer in frequency.

One of the most common substances used in immunotherapy for asthma is Omalizumabul.

Leukotriene inhibitors

Leukotriene inhibitors also act as anti-inflammatory substances to clear the airways. This way, you will be able to control your asthma symptoms more easily.

Bronchial thermoplasty

Bronchial thermoplasty is a new treatment that is still in the testing phase, with good results. It consists in the controlled application of heat on the affected hyperactive area, in order to reduce the inflammation produced by particles foreign to the body.

Now that you know what inhalers are, don’t forget to see a doctor. It will help you choose the right treatment for you, depending on the symptoms you have and the particularities of the disease.

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