Treatment For Weeds With Onion And Vinegar

By frequently applying this treatment with onions and vinegar, you eliminate bacteria from the feet and soften welts and calluses. 
Treatment for weeds with onion and vinegar

Wefts and calluses are reinforcements of the skin on the feet that form as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes, constant rubbing or excessive pressure. Read on to discover a 100% natural weed treatment based on onion and vinegar.

Wefts are one of the most common aesthetic problems and usually occur at the bottom of the foot or under the big toe.

Although it does not directly affect health, if left untreated, warts can lead to cracking of the skin, which increases the risk of developing infections. 

In addition, as time goes on, the wefts become even more painful, especially if the feet are exposed to the same factors that caused them.

Fortunately, there are 100% natural ways to combat them effectively, without having to spend a lot of money on expensive products.

Among them is a treatment for weeds with onion and vinegar, which has antibacterial properties and softens the skin.

Try it too!

Treatment for weeds with onions and white vinegar

White onion as an ingredient in a weft treatment

To remove warts, you must first soften the hardened skin and remove dead cells accumulated in that area.

Onions contain natural acids that facilitate this process when applied topically. Although it has a strong and not very pleasant smell, this vegetable has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that are worth capitalizing on.

Among other things,  onions contain a generous dose of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and folic acid, essential elements for maintaining healthy skin.

In addition, onions are an excellent source of sulfur compounds with antioxidant properties, stimulating cell activity and diminishing the negative effects of free radicals.

Natural onion juice moisturizes dry parts of the skin, kills bacteria that cause infections and softens the feet.

Moreover, when you combine onions with white vinegar, you get a complete treatment against weeds. 

White vinegar contains acetic acid and vitamins that help soften the skin without changing the body’s natural pH.

How to prepare the treatment with onion and white vinegar?

Mixture of onions and vinegar as a treatment for wounds

This natural remedy is an excellent solution for most problems that affect the feet: wounds, calluses, fungi and blisters.

Even if the effects are not as fast as in the case of pharmaceuticals, if you apply this weaning treatment regularly, you will get amazing results.


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • ¾ cup of white vinegar (150 ml)
  • 1 glass container
  • Plastic film (as needed)
  • 1 piece of cotton wool

Method of preparation

  • Clean and wash the onion to remove surface microbes.
  • Cut it into several pieces and soak it in a bowl in which you put the vinegar.
  • Let it sit for 4-8 hours and apply it on your feet before bed.

Application method

  • Soak a piece of cotton wool in this mixture and massage the wefts.
  • After you have completely covered them with this liquid, put the cotton wool on the wefts and fix it with a transparent plastic sheet.
  • Wear socks and let the mixture act overnight.
  • The next day, rinse the skin with warm water and rub the wipes with a pumice stone.
  • Repeat the procedure for seven days or until the weed disappears completely.

Tips for optimal results

Weft treatment applied to the feet
  • Remember that a warm and humid environment is perfect for the appearance of weeds and fungi: try to avoid this situation.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to remove warts with tweezers, nail polish or any other similar device.
  • Wear low-heeled , well-ventilated shoes at least as long as you apply the above treatment.
  • Try to wear high heels as rarely as possible, as these are one of the main causes of wefts.
  • To prevent irritation from wearing new shoes, apply a little lotion or Vaseline on the skin before wearing them.
  • Disinfect your feet regularly. Soak them in a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply an exfoliating foot cream daily.

Do you have unsightly bruises on your feet that bother you? Follow our recommendations in this article and try the onion and vinegar treatment to eliminate them.

Remember that you have to be patient to get the results you want. In addition, it is necessary to show consistency in the application of treatment. 

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