Tips To Get Rid Of Ladybugs In The Kitchen

Did the ladybugs appear in the kitchen and pantry? Although it is an annoying pest, it is not impossible to control. Discover some useful tips!
Tips to get rid of ladybugs in the kitchen

Have you ever found some red beetles in the pantry? It is an unpleasant experience. However, it is normal. The good news is that you can get rid of pests. Learn how to effectively get rid of ladybugs in the kitchen!

Beetles are small insects found in foods such as wheat, corn or rice. They belong to the order Coleoptera and there are several species . They have a size between 3 and 60 mm and are red-brown or black.

They are one of the most common pests in stored crops, as indicated in the “Handbook of Pests in Stored Cereals” of the International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat. Their presence causes damage to food, favors the presence of other insects and can cause infections. However, they are not so dangerous to humans. How to remove them?

Tips to get rid of ladybugs in the kitchen

First, locate the source of the ladybugs in the kitchen and remove the food packages that contain them. Also, you need to check if they have spread in drawers and cabinets.


Obviously, the first thing you need to do when you find ladybugs in your kitchen or pantry is to remove them. You can immerse the packets in boiling water so that the insects die. You can also put contaminated food in a bag to quickly throw away in the trash.

Some of the weevils, such as the rice weevils, are very agile and can easily sneak into the rest of the house to look for more food. In addition, the larvae are difficult to remove because they are not visible. Therefore, it is ideal to vacuum the cabinet and spray it with vinegar or insecticide to completely remove the pest.

Flour with ladybugs
Grains and flours are the favorite foods of ladybugs. Therefore, it is advisable to review them regularly.

Natural repellents

There are several popular ways to keep ladybugs away from food. Bay leaves, cloves, black pepper, rosemary leaves and garlic can help eliminate weevils.

Deep cleaning

As a last step, it is necessary to resort to deep cleaning, so that all insects and eggs that have been stored to be removed. To protect the cereals, you can wash them and then dry them in the oven to kill any insects. You can also put them in the freezer.

In the case of drawers, if the infestation was serious, use a vacuum cleaner and change the paper. You can also use vinegar to clean nearby areas. If you have old cardboard or paper in the closet, it is best to throw them away.


If you live in an area where ladybugs are common, there are some very useful traps to lure them. These are pheromone-releasing devices to attract ladybugs. Once there, they get stuck and can’t escape. In fact, this will serve as an indicator of the number of insects in the kitchen.

The rest of the food

To avoid unpleasant surprises later, you can put the cereal and flour in the freezer. Storing them at a low temperature in airtight containers will prevent a new infestation.

How to prevent the appearance of ladybugs?

The best way to prevent ladybugs from appearing in the pantry is to avoid buying contaminated food. Therefore, it is essential to know how to identify them. Check the cereals closely. Remember that these are small insects in a wide range of colors, from light brown to dark brown, depending on the type of ladybug.

For packaged products, try to identify small stains through clear plastic. This is recommended for wheat, corn, quinoa, oats, cereals, pasta and barley products.

Although the ladybugs arrive at the house with the already infected products, they can enter the pantry on their own. To avoid this, it is recommended to close the drawers or the storage place tightly.

You should also try to do a thorough cleaning so that the insects are not attracted. Therefore, if you drop a little flour or cereal on the floor, you should clean it immediately. It is also recommended to buy high quality foods that comply with health protocols. Among other things, this helps prevent disease.

Tips to get rid of ladybugs in the kitchen
Regular cleaning of kitchen drawers is the key to avoiding the presence of weevils.

Beware of other pests

Although ladybugs are some of the insects that infest food most often, there are other pests that should not be ignored. Indian moth or gold moth are some examples. As for the ladybug itself, there are also species that tend to eat wood and are a danger to home furniture.

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