The Most Famous Myths About Antibiotics

Myths about antibiotics contribute to their misuse. The problem is that their misuse generates bacterial resistance followed by the risks involved. Find out more in this article!
The best known myths about antibiotics

The main myths about antibiotics have led to a crisis in the therapeutic field in terms of treating bacterial diseases. These drugs are in high demand and the myths around them encourage people to use them incorrectly.

These microorganisms have managed to develop resistance mechanisms that decrease the effectiveness of antibiotics. Consequently, scientists have been forced to develop new antibiotics with other mechanisms of action.

However, these treatment options are limited and we may reach a point where certain diseases become untreatable if we do not change the way we use antibiotics. For this reason, it is essential to be informed about these drugs and not to believe all the myths heard.

Medicines are dangerous chemicals, and people should not use them without good reason. Thus, medical or pharmaceutical advice is essential when taking antibiotics.

The best known myths about antibiotics

As I said above, many people associate the word antibiotic with a magic drug that can cure absolutely anything. Obviously, this is false. Antibacterial drugs, as the name suggests, are drugs used only against bacteria.

When you go to the doctor with a bacterial infection and you are prescribed an antibiotic, you feel better after a day or two. That is why people consider them effective against any disease. But the doctor prescribed the antibiotic to eradicate a bacterium.

Person who knows myths about antibiotics

This is another myth about antibiotics that has spread among the population. We tend to associate “expensive” with “best quality”, and this rarely happens. As you can see, it is important to understand what generic and commercial medicines are. The only difference between them is that some have a more elegant name.

Both types of drugs contain the same chemical in the same amount. There are rigorous studies behind these substances. “Branded” antibiotics are more expensive just because the manufacturers spend a lot of money on advertising.

It’s like buying the same pizza in two types of packaging. One is expensive because the manufacturer’s name is famous, and the other is cheap because it does not have a known name. Pizza is practically the same, but under a different commercial presentation.

Anyone, of any age, from any country, can contract a bacterial infection resistant to antibiotic treatment. Bacteria that have developed a resistance mechanism can infect anyone, and the treatment that was previously useful against them is no longer effective.

For this reason, it is important not to overuse this type of medicine so as not to “warn” the bacteria and cause them to adapt to its effects. The purpose of medical prescriptions is to control the use of these drugs.

Specialist who knows myths about antibiotics
Antibiotics require a prescription because of their side effects.

There are many types of antibiotics. Each of them has a series of indications and tips for administration. Keep in mind that not all of them are suitable for any type of infection.

Also, each person reacts differently to these types of treatments. For this reason, you should never use old medicines. The medicines you intend to reuse may be in poor condition and may have lost their effectiveness.

Do not use them unless your doctor agrees. It must also determine the dosage and duration of treatment.


You don’t have to believe everything you hear and read. It is important to know how this type of medicine works and always consult a healthcare professional if you have any doubts. As you can imagine, only a doctor or pharmacist can advise you on the use of antibiotics.

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