The Main Sources Of Protein In The Vegan Diet

Vegetables and grains are the main sources of protein in a vegan diet. Therefore, it is very important for vegans to know what herbal foods provide the most protein and increase their daily intake.
The main sources of protein in the vegan diet

Vegan diets are characterized by the complete elimination of any food of animal origin. Therefore, finding alternative sources of plant-based proteins is crucial. So, do you know what are the main sources of protein in the vegan diet?

First of all, it is important to emphasize that medical specialists and nutritionists recommend supplementing a vegan diet with vitamin B12. This vitamin can only be found in products of animal origin. As for the rest of the proteins and essential amino acids, these substances can be obtained by consuming vegetables and grains.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about this topic!

The main sources of protein in the vegan diet

Quinoa beans
This cereal is a good substitute for rice and offers a full range of essential amino acids.

About 15% of the composition of this cereal is protein. Moreover, quinoa contains all the essential amino acids that the human body needs, including L-arginine. Among its properties, quinoa stimulates weight loss, reduces hypertension and improves immune function.

Quinoa does not contain gluten, which means that people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance can eat it regularly. Moreover, because it does not contain saturated fats, it is easy to digest. It is also an excellent source of fiber, so it stimulates intestinal function. And finally, it helps lower LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

Quinoa is an excellent alternative to rice. This means that we can change the dishes that traditionally contain rice and thus we can increase the amount of protein. Moreover, we can use quinoa to make vegetarian burgers and vegan “meatballs”, or simply add it to yogurt.

Soy is the legume that provides the most protein, as it represents 35% of its total composition. It also contains amino acids that are essential for the proper functioning of the endocrine system. At the same time, it provides us with minerals such as magnesium, which are necessary for muscle synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Soy is also notable for its high content of folic acid, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2.

Among its benefits, we can highlight the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure. It also has the power to improve bowel function and flora. Last but not least, we must not forget to mention the fact that soy has a high content of isoflavones. This group of substances is similar to estrogen and is associated with the relief of the main symptoms of menopause.

We can find soy in various commercial formats: soy milk (usually calcium-enriched), tofu, expanded soy, yogurt and vegan cheese. Soy is a very popular substitute for meat in vegan diets and there are a variety of recipes that use this legume.

3. Oatmeal

Oats on the list of protein sources in the vegan diet
Its fiber and protein content makes oats the perfect garnish for any food.

Chia seeds are high in protein. In addition, they contain nine essential amino acids. For this reason, it is an indispensable part of any vegan or vegetarian diet. They are also rich in omega-3, which helps reduce the likelihood of suffering from heart disease.

Moreover, chia seeds have a lot of fiber which, as I said, improves intestinal function and reduces blood cholesterol levels. We can consume these seeds in the form of chia pudding, as well as in purees, yogurt and salads.

If you are on a vegan diet, eat the above foods. Remember that protein should account for 30% of the total nutrients consumed daily. So, eating these foods will help you adopt healthy eating habits.

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