The Importance Of Joints And The Best Supplements For Them

It is advisable to start taking care of your joints before a problem occurs. In this way, you will prevent complications that can affect your general health.
The importance of joints and the best supplements for them

The importance of joints should not be underestimated. They allow you to perform movements at different angles. At the same time, the joints provide mechanical support to the bone structure.

The human body has 250 bones that are connected to at least one other bone. These connections are made through the joints, thanks to which our movements are easy and fluid. Depending on their location in the body, the joints provide stability and mobility.

How do the joints work?

To better understand the importance of joints, we need to know how they work. We can divide them into several categories, depending on the level of movement they allow.

Immobile joints or those that allow only reduced movement

The importance of joints in terms of movement

The immobile joints are also the most stable. They provide a strong connection between the bones, which is why they allow almost no movement.

For example, between the joints located in the skull there is a fibrous tissue that prevents the movement of adjacent bones. Thus, the brain is well protected.

Joints with moderate mobility

The fibrous connective tissue connects the bones to each other, in this case allowing only moderate movement.

The main role of this type of joint is to support body weight to provide support and stability.

  • Here is a concrete example: the tibia and fibula are bones between which there is a very small space. Thus, our body enjoys stability when we stand.
  • The joints of the spine allow reduced movements which, when acting together, give the body the flexibility it needs to adopt different positions.

Joints with ample mobility

Woman discovering the importance of joints

In addition to connecting the bones, these joints have a lubricating fluid that allows ample movement.

  • Joints that make wide movements possible are less stable.
  • Most of them are located in the parts of the skeleton that make up the extremities of the body (arms, hands and feet) or in the appendicular skeleton. Their function is to make possible the development of the muscles around the bones.


A ligament is a structure made of fibrous tissue that connects and stabilizes bones in the joints.

The ligaments interconnect the bones adjacent to the joints. Therefore, they allow unlimited movements in natural anatomical directions. At the same time, they restrict the abnormalities that can cause injuries.


The importance of joints for the human body

Cartilage provides mobility between bones. They act as a shock absorber, preventing the bones from touching.

The cartilages line the joint capsule, which is fortified with ligaments. These two components (cartilage and ligaments) work together to connect the bones to the joints.

When it comes to supplements, we need to understand the importance of joints in the human body. Without joints, we would not be able to move and we would be completely devoid of flexibility. In addition, cartilage and ligaments are closely related to the proper functioning of the joints.

Joint wear

Activities that have a high impact on the joints constantly overload this system. As a result, the cartilage and ligaments wear out.

Cartilage suffers the most from wear and tear. They begin to decompose and become weaker and weaker. As the bones rub against each other, pain occurs. It is even possible for the joints to lose their flexibility.

You have no reason to wait until you experience pain to start taking care of your joints. You can prevent their deterioration if you include healthy habits in your daily routine. Careful weight monitoring and following a healthy diet are undoubtedly useful tricks.

But if you really want to help your joints recover, you need to supply them with supplements.

Supplements to capitalize on the importance of joints


Supplements that capitalize on the importance of joints

One of the best supplements for the joints is glucosamine. Our body produces this substance naturally. Glucosamine surrounds the joints, supporting the cartilage.

As we age, the level of glucosamine in the body decreases, which causes the gradual degradation of the joints. For this reason, it is important to consume it in the form of supplements.

  • You can get glucosamine if you eat shellfish, such as crayfish or lobsters.
  • Another option is to take dietary supplements with glucosamine, which can be purchased from plafar or pharmacy.


Chondroitin sulfate is made up of a chain of sugars that facilitates the formation and repair of cartilage.

In general, chondroitin is extracted from animal cartilage.


MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a natural source of sulfur with important properties that strengthen joint tissues.

Joint health has a major impact on overall well-being. Include the three supplements previously presented in your daily diet to enjoy a higher quality of life.

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