The Bird-dog Exercise: What Is It And How Is It Practiced?

The bird-dog exercise promotes balance and can be incorporated into a routine, both at the beginning and at the end of training. Discover in this article the correct way to practice it and what muscles activate!
The bird-dog exercise: what is it and how is it practiced?

The bird-dog exercise uses body weight and is included in many types of training, although its name sometimes changes. It is complex and involves many muscle groups. Muscle balance and activation play a key role in this.

The main goal of the bird-dog exercise is to train the back muscles. The movement also involves the buttocks, trapezius, deltoids, hamstring muscles, piriformis, hip muscles, pectorals, serratus and triceps, as well as the abdominal and oblique muscles.

Let’s take a closer look!

How to do the bird-dog exercise correctly

The bird-dog exercise is performed sitting on the knees with support on the palms. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders and your knees are below your hips. Keep your back in a neutral position.

From the starting position, the next step is to extend one leg and the opposite arm so that the limbs are aligned with the back and parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Then perform the same movement with the opposite leg and arm. The challenge of this exercise is to perform the movements, while maintaining your balance.

A common way to do this is to clench your fist and lift your heel up, keeping your leg flexed. This allows for greater activation and helps balance.

You do not need to lift your leg and arm beyond the midline that you form with your back. It is much more important to maintain a stable position for a few seconds, activating all your muscles.

People who practice the bird-dog exercise
The bird-dog exercise activates the torso and promotes the strengthening of the muscles that stabilize the spine.

The bird-dog exercise: the secrets of a correct alignment

The muscles you train with the bird-dog exercise

Woman doing bird-dog exercise
This exercise should focus on balance so that there is no instability.

Important precautions

The dog-bird exercise is a suitable exercise for people of all levels. In fact, it is very useful for preventing injuries, aligning the spine and treating chronic low back pain.

However, if there are injuries or pain, it is important to avoid this exercise or, if necessary, do it under medical supervision. In fact, in case of low muscle tone or balance problems, this exercise can be very difficult.

This exercise should be avoided in case of injury or shoulder pain, to avoid aggravating the problem when raising the arm.

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