The Best Tricks To Remove Mold

In addition to using certain special products to remove mold, it is essential to ventilate your home to kill fungi and prevent unpleasant odors.
The best tricks to remove mold

Do you know the best ways to remove mold? This household problem is influenced by the materials from which the surfaces of the house are made, by the impact of the climate and the lack of adequate ventilation.

In addition to being unsightly, mold can harm your health . Its presence facilitates the proliferation of mites, the accumulation of dust and the appearance of unpleasant odors.

As a result, the walls and corners of your home will be covered in unsightly stains. Over time, you may develop allergic reactions and respiratory problems. This fungus also causes discoloration and damage to the paint.

The good news is that we have many 100% natural methods to remove mold and clean affected surfaces.

In today’s article we invite you to discover seven tricks that will help you remove mold without resorting to chemicals. Read on and don’t hesitate to try them!

7 effective tricks to remove mold from the home

1. Remedy with white vinegar

White vinegar with lemon to remove mold

White vinegar is one of the best natural products to remove mold from the home. This liquid can be applied on bathroom walls, on clothes and even on various surfaces in the kitchen.

In fact, despite its pungent odor, white vinegar is the best remedy against mold and unpleasant odors that can appear in the closet.


  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • A spray bottle


  • Dilute the white vinegar in water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Shake the bottle and spray the solution on the mold stains in the house.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Apply the remedy every day for a week.
  • If the mold does not go away, apply undiluted white vinegar directly.

2. Open the windows

A very simple way to prevent the development of mold, mites and other similar impurities is to ventilate the home frequently.

Air circulation naturally dries surfaces and alters the environment necessary for fungi and bacteria to survive. This is why we are advised to ventilate the house when we want to eliminate unpleasant odors.

3. Do not hide stains

Many people are used to hiding stains on walls with furniture or various other objects. The disadvantage of this strategy is that staining prevents air circulation and contributes to the development of mold.

For this reason, it is advisable to keep the furniture away from the wall so that the air has enough space to circulate freely.

4. Do not spread wet laundry inside the home

One of the most common mistakes that cause the development of mold and the appearance of unpleasant odors is the spreading of wet laundry inside the house.

This habit attracts mold, prevents the laundry from drying out properly and causes an unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove.

5. Sodium bicarbonate remedy

Baking soda to remove mold

Another useful and inexpensive remedy to remove mold is the famous baking soda. This product is a mild ingredient with antibacterial and antifungal properties, having the ability to absorb unpleasant odors.


  • Rub a little baking soda on the affected areas and leave it to act for two hours.
  • Remove it with a brush.
  • You can fill several containers with a little baking soda, then put them in the cupboards and cabinets where the mold tends to grow.

6. Remedy with sea salt

Sea salt is a natural ingredient that facilitates the removal of mold from enclosed spaces. This product disinfects surfaces and neutralizes unpleasant odors, preventing the formation of black mold stains.


  • Put sea salt in small containers or bags. Store containers or bags in the closet and cabinets.
  • Change the sea salt in containers and bags once a month.

7. Remedy with borax

Borax to remove mold

Borax has fungicidal properties that, unlike chemical bleaches, are mild and do not harm the environment. This product has many household applications, including being useful for killing mold.


  • Wear gloves when you want to apply borax and dilute a tablespoon of this product in two liters of water.
  • Apply the remedy on the affected areas with a brush, leave it on for half an hour, then wipe with a clean cloth.

As you can see, we have many ways to combat the mold that forms in our homes. If you follow the tips presented in this article, this mushroom will not bother you for a long time.

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