Symptoms And Treatments For Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries that can lead to a heart attack. Therefore, it is very important to prevent risk factors and take care of your blood vessels.
Symptoms and treatments for atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries that causes the accumulation of cholesterol on their walls. As a result, the blood vessels become stiff and sticky, increasing the risk of clogging. This disease causes heart attacks and strokes. For this reason, it is very important to take care of your arteries. In this article, we will discuss the main symptoms and treatments for atherosclerosis.

The risk factors that can lead to atherosclerosis are:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking

This is a disease that develops slowly and can occur at an early age. It does not cause symptoms, which is why it is difficult to know if you suffer from atherosclerosis. The disease can only be detected by medical tests or when an adjacent condition is triggered.

Despite being a more common disease in developed countries (it is one of the leading causes of death), it has become a leading cause of mortality in developing countries as well. In general, men are more likely to suffer from it than women.

How atherosclerosis manifests itself

Cholesterol level analysis
The accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels takes place progressively, until the appearance of atheromatous lesions.

This change occurs when lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, are deposited on the walls of the arteries. Inflammatory cells, known as leukocytes, also accumulate in the blood.

As these substances deposit on the walls of the arteries, the cells that make them up disorganize and can produce what is known as atheromatous lesion. As the lesion progresses, cholesterol crystals appear, as well as calcium deposits. In some cases, a thrombus also forms, which can clog the artery and cause a heart attack because the blood flow is interrupted.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis

As mentioned above, atherosclerosis is a disease that manifests itself asymptomatically. So it is very dangerous. Symptoms tend to occur only when atherosclerosis is in an advanced stage and the blood has difficulty reaching various organs and tissues.

Symptoms of moderate to severe atherosclerosis depend on the affected arteries. Some examples are:

Treatments for atherosclerosis

Artery blocked by atheromatous plaque
Blood pressure and clots are typical health problems caused by this disease.

To address this condition, the specialist will indicate a unique treatment for each patient, as it varies depending on age, health and location of the lesion, among other factors.

Specialists often indicate certain general measures to all patients. First, it recommends changing certain habits, such as diet, to lower cholesterol. Doctors also recommend quitting smoking and exercising regularly. Second, and where necessary, specialists point to drug treatment based on anticoagulants to prevent the formation of clots.

They can also use antiplatelet drugs, which are useful for reducing the “glue” of platelets. Other drugs used to treat this condition are those that help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Some patients require surgical treatment for atherosclerosis. There are two surgical techniques:

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