Sleeping Position: What Does It Say About Your Personality?

The sleeping position can reveal some aspects about our personality, because body language becomes known even when we sleep.
Sleeping position: what does it say about your personality?

The sleeping position and the way you sleep say a lot about your personality, about your habits and even about your worries. There are several  sleeping positions that can reveal some of your features. Find out in the next article what each of them means.

Sleeping position: what do they say about us?

You can deduce a lot about a person’s personality by analyzing the way he sleeps. During sleep, the body rests and the brain recovers. Although it is said that there are as many sleeping positions as there are people in the world, we can identify 6 main positions, with a few variations in each case.

After much research, it was discovered what the connection is between a sleeping position and a person’s personality. Body language becomes known even when you sleep, and each position influences your health.

The sleeping position reveals a lot about personality

The 6 sleeping positions

1. Fetal position

In this position, squat on your side, with your knees facing your chest, your arms crossed, or your body. The position was named because of the way the children sit in the mother’s womb. Sometimes you can keep one arm under the pillow. It is the most common sleeping position. In a recent study, it was shown that 4 out of 10 participants chose this position and twice as many women as men. In terms of personality, there are several variations.

  • For example, the tendency to “squat” in your sleep is related to sensitivity and emotions, as well as the inclination to establish more intense relationships.
  • People who prefer this position may seem shy when they meet new people, but then relax, they are very kind, affectionate. They are also afraid of being hurt.

2. The position of the “tree trunk”

In this position you sleep on your side, with your legs straight and your back straight. The hands are glued to the body or one of them is held under the pillow or stretched. It was adopted by 15% of the people present at the study.

  • People who prefer this position are uninhibited, relaxed and carefree.
  • They are very sociable people, who get along well with those around them.
  • They feel good when they are part of a group, they trust others and they are harmless.
The sleeping position called the tree trunk

3. Semi-fetal position

The back is straight, but the legs are slightly bent, the hands are stretched out in front, and one can be held under the pillow. 13% of the participants in the study said that they usually sleep like this.

  • These people have a complex personality.
  • Although they are open and friendly, they tend to be very cynical and suspicious in their relationships with others.
  • They make decisions calmly and are very stubborn, as no one can change their mind.
  • They can be loyal friends and take care of those around them.

4. The position of the soldier

Sleep on your back, with your legs apart at your hips or shoulders and your arms outstretched next to your body. Only 8% of the participants said that they sleep this way, with their chin facing the ceiling.

  • These people are very reserved, silent, do not have strong emotions and do not talk much about them.
  • They don’t like conventional things and have very high goals.
  • They are loyal and protect their family and loved ones. I place great value on relationships with others.
The sleeping position called the soldier

5. The “free fall” position

It bears this name because you look like you fell from the sky. Sleep on your stomach, with your head turned to one side, with one or both hands under your pillow or above your head. 7% of participants claimed to sleep like this.

  • In terms of personality, these people have very intense feelings, they are sociable and uninhibited, but in reality they are very sensitive.
  • They love freedom and do not like to be told what to do, whether it is love, work, family, friends, etc.).
  • They don’t like to be criticized.

6. The “starfish” position

The “starfish” sleeping position is the opposite of the one above, as these people sleep on their backs, with their arms partially or totally around the pillow and their legs slightly bent or straight.

  • Those who prefer this position are good listeners  , loyal friends and always willing to help those around them.
  • Most of the time, he prefers to be in the center of attention, for example, if it is a business meeting, a relationship with siblings, etc.

Sleeping positions on one side (fetal, tree trunk or semi-fetal) are the healthiest of the six presented. According to experts, we must sleep on one side so as not to exert too much pressure on the heart and other vital organs. We recommend that you sleep on the right side. Some specialty books recommend changing your position in the middle of the night (sleeping until then on one side, and from then on on the other).

The two sleeping positions on your back (starfish and soldier) can prevent you from sleeping well at night, causing snoring and other respiratory problems, such as apnea. They can also cause acid reflux. The sleeping position on the belly (free fall) is beneficial for digestion, although some claim that it is the least recommended, as the mattress presses all vital organs.

Photo source: Tony Alter, David Goehring, Betssssy, Joi Ito, Timothy Krause.

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