Rogel Cake Recipe: Ingredients And Step-by-Step Instructions

If you like sweet desserts, you can’t miss the opportunity to prepare Rogel Cake. It is a typical Argentine dessert made with dulce de leche and meringue.
Rogel Cake Recipe: Ingredients and step-by-step instructions

This Rogel Cake recipe is a typical Argentine dessert. It is easy to prepare and very tasty, although it has a large amount of sugar. This does not mean that it cannot be introduced in the context of a healthy diet; but it must be consumed in moderation.

It should be borne in mind that the inclusion of desserts in the diet should not have negative effects on the functioning of the body. Healthy options, such as fruit and yogurt, are always a priority. The occasional presence of a less healthy recipe will not affect your health.

Rogel Cake Recipe


You need the following ingredients:

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 300 g of flour
  • 50 g of butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 100 ml of water
  • 2 teaspoons of ethyl alcohol

For the cream:

  • 250 g of traditional dulce de leche
  • 250 g of pastry milk

You will also need to prepare a meringue consisting of the following:

  • 240 g of sugar
  • 120 g of egg whites
  • 100 ml of water
Cream milk cream
Sweet milk is a key ingredient in Rogel Cake. The traditional and pastry version is used.

Step by step instructions

Start by placing the flour on a clean table, forming a volcano and introducing water, previously melted butter, salt and alcohol in the middle. Mix all these ingredients well until you get a dough that can be shaped well with your hands, with a fine texture.

Form a ball and place it in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Wait about 20 minutes. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions. They should be stretched as far as possible with a twist.

The thin sheets are placed in a non-stick pan and baked at 180 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes. The goal is for them to brown completely on the outside.


Assembly follows. Between the sheets, place alternately traditional leche and pastry. On top of the last sheet, you will put the meringue.

To prepare it, you will need to start by heating the sugar with water in a saucepan over low heat. It is essential that the temperature does not exceed 118 degrees Celsius. Boil until the sugar dissolves and a syrup forms. Beat the egg whites to a froth. Add the syrup slowly and continue beating until the meringue looks shiny.

Place the meringue on top of the last sheet. Bake the repair.


Despite the fact that it is a delicious dessert, there are a number of situations in which the consumption of Rogel Cake is discouraged. For example, you should avoid eating this dessert if you have diabetes.

It should be noted that the Rogel Cake recipe contains gluten. It should be avoided by people with celiac disease. According to a study published in the journal BMC , gluten ingestion in celiac disease can cause serious damage to the digestive tract.

Pregnant women should also avoid Rogel Cake. They can develop gestational diabetes. It is transient in nature, but affects the development of the fetus. The latest research suggests limiting the intake of simple sugars in pregnancy.

Finally, it should be noted that simple sugars should be limited when there are chronic or inflammatory diseases or a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise to stimulate carbohydrate metabolism.

Processed sweets
Sweet recipes have some contraindications, especially in case of diabetes or sedentary lifestyle.

Rogel Cake Recipe for special occasions

If you have never tried Rogel Cake, we encourage you to prepare it at home. It is a simple dessert that has excellent characteristics. Of course, its consumption should be occasional and moderate.

Please note that it is possible to change the recipe I gave you. The final meringue can be covered with chocolate, fruit or honey. There are several options that allow you to get different and tasty results.

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