Natural Remedies For Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain is quite common. What natural treatments can we use to help the ankle heal faster?
Natural remedies for ankle sprain

To relieve the pain caused by the ankle sprain, you need to follow a series of steps. You can use crutches, bandages or a cast on your foot. However, there are also natural remedies for ankle sprain that can relieve pain and speed up the recovery process.

Ankle sprain is common in both athletes and the rest of the population. This occurs because the ligaments are forced. If not detected early, the sprain of the ankle can cause disabilities. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Natural remedies for ankle sprain

Complementary remedies for treating ankle sprain relieve pain and discomfort and speed recovery. However, we must always follow the doctor’s instructions. These remedies cannot replace the specialist’s recommendations.

Apply ice to the affected area

Ice on the list of natural remedies for ankle sprain
Applying ice reduces inflammation and pain in the affected area.

This first option for relieving ankle sprain is known as cryotherapy. It is usually used therapeutically through contrast baths, cryomas or the use of cold gel compresses.

Ice is an excellent natural option for relieving ankle sprain. When applied to the ankle, the blood vessels contract and stimulate the release of a very important hormone called serotonin. In this way, the pain is relieved and the patient feels much better.

We should never apply ice directly to the ankle, as it can cause additional pain and skin burns. Therefore, it is best to use ice packs wrapped in a material. There are other alternatives, such as putting your ankle under a stream of very cold water.

Opt for arnica compresses

Use the plant

Mortar with medicinal plants
Applying certain herbs to the ankle accelerates recovery and reduces the pain associated with sprain.

The plant Symphytum officinale is part of traditional medicine and is used to relieve the symptoms of sprains and dislocations. You can use a poultice. You can also use a hot compress with tea to relieve ankle pain.

In the first three days after the sprain, you should apply only ice to your ankle. If you apply heat, the blood vessels will dilate, causing more inflammation. After this time, you can start applying warm compresses.

Another aspect you need to consider is that you need to compress your ankle with bandages and lift your leg. Bandages will also help reduce inflammation. In addition, if you apply ice and then use the two remedies mentioned, the treatment will be guaranteed success.

Spraining your ankle will force you to rest so that the injury can heal well and prevent future problems. We encourage you to try these natural ankle sprain remedies to quickly alleviate the problem. This way, you won’t have to keep your leg up for that long and you can control the pain and inflammation.

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