Is It A Good Decision To Reconcile With Your Ex-boyfriend?

Have you ever thought that the reason you want to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend is that you don’t want to step out of your comfort zone? If you do this, you will lose the opportunity to start a much happier relationship.
Is it a good decision to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend?

For various reasons, the couple’s relationship falls apart and the separation becomes imminent. But sometimes you want to try again. However, is it a good idea to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend? 

The truth is that it all depends on the circumstances that determined you to end the relationship and the reasons why you want to renew it.  For example, the desire not to be left alone is not a valid reason.

Why do you want to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend?

Decide if you want to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend

One of the reasons for many separations is immaturity and a series of “small” misunderstandings that the two could not resolve. In this case, reconciliation may be an option. You can give yourself a new chance to try to fix what you couldn’t the first time.

In other cases, the situation is more complicated. We refer to couples divided because of infidelity and lies. In these circumstances, love and the ability to forgive are the most important factors. If you want to give your partner a second chance, you have to give up resentment. Otherwise, reconciliation could be a disastrous decision.

Fear of reconciling with your ex-boyfriend

Sometimes the reason we want to try again is the kids. You think it’s worth it, but the truth is, you have to want it too. Don’t make this decision just for the sake of the children. Do it for yourself.

Couples decide to reconcile because they wonder “what would have happened if…” Even if the relationship will work or not, at least do not remain in doubt.

If you want to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend, don’t think about it! It can be a very good thing. You know what to expect more or less, and the difficult period you went through can unite you even more. However, make sure that this decision is a step forward, not a step back. 

The disadvantages of reconciling with your ex-boyfriend

1. Things are not the same

Disadvantages when reconciling with your ex-boyfriend

If your partner cheated on you and you lost confidence in him, obviously things can’t be the same. No matter how hard you both try, no matter how good your intentions, the deep wound does not heal.

In these circumstances, a reconciliation will lead to permanent quarrels and disappointments. Your expectations will be in vain. Nothing will be the same as before, so think carefully about whether or not you want to start over.

2. It prevents you from evolving

When you reconcile with your ex-boyfriend, you take a big step back. You have tried to save the relationship several times and you know you have no future. But keep trying.

All this time, you miss the opportunity to meet new people. You close all the doors that open in front of you and you connect with a relationship that belongs to the past.

Maybe you are afraid to get out of your comfort zone or maybe loneliness scares you.

3. You may suffer even more

Relationships fall apart because of certain conflicts that you try to avoid for fear of losing everything. If you forgive too much and try countless times instead of giving up, you may experience resentment, anger, and deep unhappiness.

4. Beware of addiction

Addiction to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend

Sometimes, the desire to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend is born of a low self-esteem that has led to the creation of a certain level of addiction. That means you don’t feel fulfilled outside of a relationship . If you can’t find another partner, you cling to the one from the past. Addiction harms not only the couple, but also each individual.

The decision to reconcile with your ex-boyfriend must be very well thought out. It is not an easy decision. All the things that led to the breakup are important.

If you are sure, if you do not have resentments, if you do not just want to pay them with the same currency and if you do not do it just for fear of not being left alone, give it another chance.

Reconciling with your ex-boyfriend can be the best decision you can make. You may realize that he is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. It is important that the reasons for making this decision are well-founded.

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