How To Take Care Of Your Joints So You Don’t Have Pain

Inflammatory diseases that affect the health of the joints are very common. The prevalence of these diseases increases with age, but there are risk factors that you can control.
How to take care of your joints so that you do not have pain

In order to take care of the joints properly, you need to know that the system that allows us to move – the locomotor system – is very complex. It consists of bones, joints and muscles, in addition to tendons and ligaments. The locomotor system works to allow us to move our body, and this is achievable due to the joints.

When the brain orders the muscles to contract, voluntarily or not, the joints pull the bones. In this way, the joints trigger the mechanism of movement.

Doctors diagnose many inflammatory diseases every day that affect the health of the joints. The prevalence of these diseases increases with age, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis being the most common diseases.

Symptoms and diagnosis of joint diseases

The specialist makes a diagnosis based on the symptoms experienced by the patient and, if necessary, can request tests such as blood and urine tests, x-rays and joint ultrasounds. Some joint diseases, with proper diagnosis and treatment, can be kept under control without problems. But other conditions, such as osteoarthritis, are chronic and difficult to control.

Risk factors for joint pain

Genetically, middle-aged women are more likely than men to suffer from joint pain. It is not clear if the relationship is only genetic or if there is a hormonal component.

Obesity is one of the factors that can influence you. Being overweight is a cause of joint pain in some cases. In other situations, it is a consequence. On the one hand, obesity overloads the joints. On the other hand, it can be a consequence of joint pain, because the pain makes it difficult to move.

The type of work you do can cause you to overuse certain joints. Competitive sports are also linked to various ailments, depending on the discipline you practice.

How to take care of joints
Various risk factors affect joint health, including genetics, body weight and the type of work you do on a daily basis.

How to take care of joints

Moving joints
You can take care of your joint health by adopting a diet rich in calcium, exercising regularly and wearing appropriate footwear, among other things.

How to alleviate joint problems

Conclusions about joint health

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