How To Freeze The Right Basil

In this article, we will tell you how to freeze basil and keep it fresh all year round. Following these tips, the smell and taste of this herb will be preserved for 1 year!
How to freeze basil properly

Basil is a fresh and fragrant plant that we use in cooking to give the dishes a special flavor. Because it is a plant that thrives in the hottest months, when the temperature drops, its appearance changes. It usually dries, withers and becomes very difficult to get fresh leaves. However, if you choose to freeze the basil, you can enjoy it all year round.

Whether you have a plant in the garden or on the balcony, or you bought it fresh from the supermarket, you can keep the basil fresh and intact for a long time.

In this article, we will show you how to enjoy the aroma of basil all year round by simply freezing!

How to freeze basil: healthy methods

There are different options when it comes to freezing basil and keeping it in perfect condition for a long time. In each case, we will work only with the leaves and we will throw away the stems.

Another important detail is that basil has a high water content. For this reason, if we cut the leaves and do not use them immediately, they turn black and lose their aroma. As such, we recommend that you do not dry the basil, because it is a very delicate plant and will lose its aroma.

In the freezer, basil can last up to 10 months. Discover some ways to freeze basil and keep all its characteristics!

In this way, we can preserve the basil for at least 10 months, according to a study presented in the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy. Some of the leaves may break or shrink and may not be fresh when thawed. But this will not be a problem if we crush them to add to the food.

How to freeze fresh basil
It is useful to freeze the basil, as it can give special flavors to the food.

Regarding salt preservation, the procedure is very simple. You will need basil leaves, large salt, olive oil and a glass jar. In a jar, place a thick layer of leaves, then sprinkle with salt. Repeat the procedure until the jar is full. Cover everything with olive oil and put the lid on. You can keep the basil this way for about two months.

How to freeze basil like pesto
You can freeze ready-made pesto, which makes things easier in the kitchen.

Tips for freezing or preserving basil

If you don’t want to freeze the basil, but you want to keep it a little longer than natural, you have to put it somewhere protected from natural light. In a vase placed in a dark place, you can keep it for up to 2 weeks in good condition.

Another alternative is freezing, but keeping the leaves intact. To do this, take the clean, dry leaves and place them in a tray in the freezer. After freezing, you can put them in tightly closed containers. This way, the leaves will be kept in a better condition than if you freeze them, following the instructions at the beginning of the article.

Finally, there is always the option to dry fresh herbs such as basil. To do this, after washing and drying the leaves, you must leave them outdoors, but not in the sun, to prevent the insects from eating them or the plant from losing its aroma.

You will know that they are dry when they are crispy and break easily. Many people recommend not to do this with basil, because it is a sensitive plant. You decide.

Freezing basil: final recommendations

In this article, you have seen that it is possible to preserve basil for a long time, retaining most of its organoleptic characteristics. We just want to add that when it comes to using it, you should grind it as you add it to your food. If you process the basil in advance, it will turn black.

We use fresh basil to improve the taste of drinks, infusions, vinegar and oils. All these dishes must be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 4 days of their preparation. This is necessary to prevent the growth of bacteria.

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