Hormonal Balance Helps Burn Fat

Poor hormonal balance can be the reason you can’t lose weight. That is why it is important to follow a specific regimen for each area of ​​the body to restore hormone activity.
Hormonal balance helps burn fat

Not everyone makes the connection between hormonal balance, hormone production and fat accumulated in the body. As a result, many people change diet after diet or spend all day at the gym, but do not lose a pound.

In this article you will learn how to restore your hormonal balance so that you burn fat in certain areas of the body and do not gain weight again later.

Not only hormones are responsible for weight gain – and metabolism plays an important role. In other words, the more fat you accumulate in your body, the more you feel like eating. And if there is a hormonal imbalance, all efforts to lose weight will be in vain.

You’re probably thinking that if you stop eating fast food and run for half an hour, you’ll lose weight, but something else might ruin your plans.

You have to keep in mind that if there is a hormonal imbalance, you will never get the weight and figure you dream of. 

Hormonal imbalance: at the table of the defeated

It is good to know the basics about hormonal activity. You have certainly learned that, first of all, hormones are chemicals that the body produces for optimal functioning.

Each of them has an important role in energy production, relaxation, maintaining muscle mass and… fat accumulation. Therefore, many women, at a certain stage of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, have certain specific appetites.

Hormonal balance is an essential condition for achieving the set goals of adopting an active lifestyle and achieving the ideal weight.

Abdominal fat eliminated by hormonal balance

The first step is to detoxify the body by eliminating excess toxins accumulated in the body.

The least recommended foods in the diet are those that contain a large amount of preservatives. They explain why you crave a bag of chips rather than an apple. Stop eating like that.

It will be difficult at first and it could take about three weeks to get rid of this habit. But the good part is that the results will be obvious. Food plays a very important role in the efficiency of the body’s detoxification process.

Hormonal balance: allowed and forbidden foods

If you have a hormonal imbalance, avoid foods with a high glycemic index. They stimulate the appetite and make you eat uncontrollably.

We advise you to eliminate from the diet or at least reduce carbohydrates, the consumption of refined sugar (bread, rice, pasta, flour products) and all processed foods that contain various additives and preservatives.

On the other hand, there are foods that help to lose weight, but also to maintain the health of the body. Due to the low glycemic index, they do not affect the hormonal balance, and the effects will be seen on the skin, not only inside.

We recommend eating foods high in fiber, such as bananas, raisins, artichokes, oats, nuts and beans. These have positive effects on the digestive system.

In addition, don’t forget to drink two liters of water a day (even three in the summer) to activate your metabolism and provide your body with enough fluids to eliminate toxins through urine and sweat.

Foods to remove fat from every area of ​​the body

That’s right – in some areas of the body it’s harder to lose weight than in others. The situation differs from person to person, depending on their own habits, but hormones also play a key role.

For example, if the body produces a large amount of estrogen (female hormone), the person will have fuller hips and thighs.

It seems that there is a hormone therapy to reach a balance in every area of ​​the body:


If your abdomen is not really firm, it means that you eat too much. Fat builds up in the abdomen due to high levels of cortisol (also known as the stress hormone). That is why people who spend many hours at work or are stressed gain weight in this area.

To get rid of belly fat naturally, add basil to your diet, a spice native to India that lowers cortisol levels. You can also eat: spinach, citrus, barley, beans and nuts.

The back

If you accumulate a lot of fat on your back, which does not happen very often, it means that you have a high level of insulin. Foods that can help you reduce these values ​​are those that contain linoleic acid: yogurt, lean meat, whole grains and green vegetables.


Buttock fat removed by echoes

Many women want to have an attractive and firm buttocks. As I mentioned earlier, in most cases, if you gain weight mainly in this area, the reason is a high level of estrogen.

To counteract this effect, eat vegetables from the cruciferous family – such as cauliflower or broccoli. They contain phytochemicals that help neutralize sterogen. You can also eat flax, chia, sesame, red and pomegranate seeds.

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