Hernia Remedy With Clay, Vinegar And Cabbage

It is always a good idea to consult a specialist for a diagnosis, but this natural remedy helps to soothe the pain caused by hernias.
Remedy for hernia with clay, vinegar and cabbage

If you are looking for a remedy for hernia due to frequent pain, you can confidently use this combination of three ingredients with medicinal properties. Clay, vinegar and cabbage leaves are easy to find and have multiple anti-inflammatory properties.

By reading this article you will discover the properties of this natural remedy, how to prepare it at home and how to use it to get immediate results. But do not rule out the possibility of a visit to the doctor if the pain does not subside, because this may be a sign of a more serious health problem.

Who needs hernia treatment?

Remedy for hernia in the abdominal area

There are several types of hernias, with several degrees of severity. Some patients feel nothing, while others complain of low or moderate pain.

The most common types of hernias are femoral, groin, hiatal, umbilical and incision. Even after the visit to the doctor you can use natural remedies to reduce hernias.

If you notice a swelling in one region of the body, especially after exercise or lifting weights, you may suffer from a hernia. Excessive exertion is one of the most common causes of hernia. Before you go to a specialized clinic for testing, our recommendation is to resort to this simple and effective hernia remedy.

Natural and effective hernia remedy

The three ingredients of this treatment each have healing and calming qualities.


Remedy for hernia with clay paste

Clay is one of the oldest remedies in the world. It may be hard to believe, but it has been applied since ancient times to all kinds of wounds, to naturally reduce inflammation.

Thanks to its ability to absorb water and toxins, clay is a beneficial remedy, providing a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are absorbed through the pores.

  • How to use it is simple. Mix clay with a little water or other liquid and apply on the skin.
  • Allow the mixture to dry, then rinse with plenty of water. Do not reuse clay, as it is already full of toxins and impurities.


Remedy for hernia with apple cider vinegar

Vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, is a miraculous liquid that regulates the pH value, stimulates circulation and reduces inflammation. It can speed up the healing of any wound or condition if applied to the painful area.

In addition, thanks to its nutritional properties and the intake of minerals, vitamins and enzymes, vinegar is a food that you should include in your diet.


Remedy for hernia with cabbage leaves

Cabbage is a common food, but it hides multiple health benefits. We especially mention its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Cabbage is helpful in relieving the discomfort and pain that often accompanies a hernia.

  • To take advantage of its healing powers, you need to facilitate the extraction of phytonutrients.
  • Crush or chop the leaves or squeeze them to extract the juice for poultices.
  • If you supplement your diet with a cabbage salad, you will fully benefit from its extraordinary qualities.

Preparation of the remedy


To prepare this remedy for hernia you need the following ingredients:

  • 5 tablespoons clay powder (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 2 or 3 cabbage leaves

The amounts depend on the area affected by the inflammation. You can double each ingredient, but keep the proportions.

Method of preparation and application

To prepare the treatment:

  • Mix the clay with the vinegar and water in a glass or ceramic bowl. Beware of plastic or metal tableware, as it neutralizes the properties of clay.
  • You will get a creamy paste. If you think it is too liquid and leaks, add a little extra clay. Or if it is too thick, put a few drops of water.
  • Before applying the paste, scald the cabbage leaves for a few seconds for tenderization.
  • Apply the mixture on the entire affected surface, and put the cabbage leaves on top after they have cooled.
  • Leave the remedy on for about 30 minutes, until the clay dries.
  • You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day, until you notice an improvement.

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