Get Rid Of Sciatic Pain By Pressing Ling Gu Point

You can try this technique at home by pressing the area with your fingers to immediately relieve several types of pain, such as menstrual, head or back pain.
Get rid of sciatic pain by pressing the Ling Gu point

There are various vital points in acupuncture, and the pressure applied to them gives you a feeling of well-being and helps you get rid of pain and disease. A complete acupuncture session focuses on a few points, the most important of which can control certain pain. In this article we present the Ling Gu point, which can provide immediate help in case of sciatica and back pain.

Ling Gu point: a very important point

On the Ling Gu point, in translation “spirit bone”, one can act frequently to treat a number of problems, especially back pain. Therefore, this point is very often used in the treatment of people who have to sit on a chair for a long time.

The Ling Gu point was discovered by Master Tung, a Chinese doctor known for his results using his own techniques. Unlike other specialists, Tung used a small number of needles with extraordinary effects.

The points discovered by Master Tung have been kept secret for several generations. Eventually it was decided to be revealed to a group of students. Today, thanks to this decision, we can also take advantage of their benefits.

Acupuncture, the ling ling point stimulated

Location of Ling Gu point

The Ling Gu point is located in the upper part of the hand, more precisely between the first and second metacarpal bone or between the thumb and forefinger. In the fold that allows the thumb to move “independently” of the other four fingers. If you put a finger from the other hand on this point, you will feel an empty space.

If you act correctly on the Ling Gu point, you can quickly get rid of sciatica and back pain. Sciatica pain is a very strong pain, located in the lower back. It also affects your feet and prevents you from moving normally.

To achieve the desired effect, the needle must be inserted into the Ling Gu point opposite the affected area. In other words, if you feel pain in your right leg, you should act on the Ling Gu point on your left hand. In 75% of cases, the person will feel pain relief in just a few minutes.

Ling Gu can be used to treat other types of back pain. It also adds headaches, leg pains, menstrual cramps and facial paralysis. It has such a strong effect that, in the case of pregnant women, it should not be touched, because it can induce labor.

The point ling gu in your palm

You can alleviate the pain just by pressing the Ling Gu point

According to specialists Ling Gu (also known as Hegu), pressing the area between the thumb and forefinger can relieve anxiety, back pain, as well as headaches and toothaches. Acupuncture specialists use a needle for this, but you can try to press that area.

Of the more than 300 points recognized by Chinese acupuncture, the Ling Gu point seems to be one of the most useful, especially for relieving spine pain. Traditional Asian medicine has been considered one of its most important treatments for hundreds of years.

Nobody knows exactly how the Ling Gu point works. A recent study of acupuncture treatments on the hands indicates that increasing blood flow in a certain area reduces pain. Other research studies suggest that this increase produces endorphins, a type of hormone known as a natural analgesic.

Acupuncture teaches us to press the ling gu point

Specialists use the Ling Gu point in personalized treatments to relieve pain, along with other points along the body. For example, the points used in a patient suffering from anxiety disorders are different from those used to treat menstrual cramps. However, the Ling Gu point is found in both treatments.

How to activate the Ling Gu point yourself

For those who want to try to activate the Ling Gu point themselves, the specialists suggest to palpate the fold between the thumb and forefinger. You need to put your index finger on this area and press hard. If you do it right, it will hurt.

One or two minutes may be enough, but you will begin to feel a significant improvement after 20-40 minutes of constant pressure. If this does not happen, try to do the same with the other hand.

You can apply this technique alone, at home, at the office or on the bus on the way to work. It is not recommended to use those if you do not have the appropriate knowledge. By pressing the Ling Gu point you will relieve your sciatica pain.

Headaches or menstrual cramps can also be relieved. Apply pressure for thirty minutes. However, do not wait until the pain is very strong to act.

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