Frequent Ironing Mistakes That Destroy Clothes

When you do not wet your clothes, do not use distilled water or adjust the temperature incorrectly, make ironing more difficult. We show you the mistakes you should avoid so as not to damage your clothes or iron!
Frequent mistakes when ironing that destroy clothes

Despite attempts to buy clothes that do not require the use of an iron, it is impossible to avoid this task altogether. L ipsa practice cause us to make mistakes frequently when walked, destroying clothes.

Light fabrics, such as silk or linen, ideal for use in summer, should be ironed if you do not want to have the image of a careless person.

Frequent mistakes when ironing that destroy clothes

For some it is a tiring job, while others seem to enjoy it. Perhaps this is because the latter have found a way not to repeat the habits that prevent them from getting clothes without wrinkles. Find out what they are!

1. Leave delicate clothes behind

If you are among those who do not enjoy ironing, it is likely to leave delicate clothes for the end, because they require special care. This does not save time, but increases boredom.

To avoid damaging delicate clothes, it is recommended to iron them first. Iron these clothes while the appliance is warming up.

2. Do not wet clothes

If the clothes are too dry, no matter how many times you iron them, the creases will remain. In addition, this can affect the fabrics and increase the likelihood of the clothes being burned.

If the clothes are dry, try to moisten them with steam. If you do not have such an iron, you can also use a water spray.

Woman stepping on
Ironing clothes is not a task for everyone. This leads to common mistakes.

3. Do not use distilled water

As I said, wetting clothes before ironing is essential for removing wrinkles. However, not all types of water are good for this task. An example of this is hard water.

For this reason, if you are going to use tap water, make sure it is not filled with limestone. Otherwise, you will have to buy distilled water, which, being free of impurities and minerals, protects iron and reduces working time by half.

4. Forget to adjust the temperature

One of the most common ironing mistakes is setting the appliance to maximum temperature. This can damage clothes. Not all types of fabric respond in the same way to high temperatures. There will be some items of clothing that you will need to iron at the lowest temperature.

5. Do not turn the clothes upside down

If you have items with delicate prints in your wardrobe, turn them upside down before ironing. Otherwise, part of the print will remain on the iron!

To avoid this, it would be good to get used to ironing all the clothes upside down. Note that this keeps the original color of the fabric longer.

6. Do not clean the iron

You are probably wondering why you need to clean the iron if the clothes are clean. Believe it or not, it gets dirty. Wipe it with a damp cotton cloth when the iron is at room temperature, before and after use.

7. Iron all clothes at the same time

Maybe one of the reasons you hate ironing so much is that you let a mountain of clothes gather. This can be counterproductive for both iron and clothing, as the appliance overheats. Therefore, iron less, but more often.

8. Misuse starch

Starch is good for ironing. It can improve the appearance of fabrics by maintaining color, texture and softness. Helps remove wrinkles and blemishes.

However, if not used correctly, starch can have the opposite effect. Be careful not to overdo it when spraying this product and wait for it to penetrate the fabric before you start ironing.

9. Do not empty the tank

If you do not empty the water tank at the end, you may damage the appliance . Over time, water can damage parts. In addition, standing water tends to stain clothes.

common mistakes when ironing cotton shirts

We must avoid these common mistakes when we tread

Ironing can be a bearable task. You just have to make fewer mistakes. Therefore, when you are about to remove creases, try to clean the iron, turn it over, and dampen your clothes.

Also, don’t forget to set the temperature, use distilled water and empty the device tank. In case of contract, you will stain your clothes on the next ironing.

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