Finger Banging – Harmful Or Not?

Although there are studies that claim that snapping fingers can be a harmful habit, for many of us it has become an addiction, as we use it more and more often for the feeling of relief in the joints. 
Fingers - harmful or not?

Fingers are a very common habit. We call on him when we are tense. However, there are numerous studies that have shown that this is a harmful practice. In this article we will explain in detail what are the reasons that led to this conclusion and what really happens when you hear that unique sound.

Why do your joints “crack”?

That sound we hear when we crack our joints in the fingers, wrists or other parts of the body comes from the breaking of air bubbles in the fluid in the wrists.

The joints are the connecting points between the bones and are covered by a thick, synovial fluid. When you bang, stretch or bend a finger, for example, the joint is divided.

The capsule that surrounds the wrist stretches and enlarges, which lowers the pressure at its level. At that moment, the gases dissolved in the synovial fluid form air bubbles. Then they “explode” and produce that crack.

The cracking of the fingers in the joints

The gas needs half an hour to dissolve in the liquid, which means that after you have cracked a wrist and heard that specific sound, it is not recommended to try to do this for the next 30 minutes.

Regarding the risks of this habit, it should be noted that there are not many scientific studies based on the subject. A careful analysis of several people who are accustomed to snapping their fingers has been attempted to find out if there has been damage to the joints, such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Those who did this study found that the fingers were affected to some extent, there were slight injuries to the tissues and some difficulty in grasping an object. These appear to occur due to rapid and repeated stretching as well as contracting of the ligaments in the wrists.

The snap of the thumbs

Fingers and mobility

After you snap your wrists, there is greater mobility and relaxation of the joints. This is why finger snapping has become a habit for so many people.

Some people visit a specialist, called a chiropractor, who “rearranges” the bones to relax the body. Those who use such services said that they feel much more relaxed and have less pain and muscle contractions.

The cracking of the wrists weakens the muscles

Some researchers say that this is the main consequence of cracking the wrists. But keep in mind that this problem only affects those who are not very physically active, as this is the only daily “exercise” for stretching muscles and joints.

Lack of movement leads to muscle weakness. A vicious circle is created, because at that moment you start to bang your wrists in search of that feeling of relaxation, which does not last more than a few hours.

The snapping of the fingers on the elderly

Other consequences of cracking joints

We often want to relieve pain or contractions with this movement. But we must be aware that for our wrists it is something sudden, insensitive and unnatural. And, contrary to most people’s beliefs, it does not help to relax the muscles, but leads to a greater loss of synovial fluid, the natural lubricant that prevents friction between the bones.

Fingers can cause joint failure and a higher risk of bone breakage or fracture. Other consequences can be: loss of flexibility, deformity of the injured area and acute pain that passes only with rest.

Those who suffer the most from this problem are adults over 40 years old. The areas most affected by the cracking of the joints are the hands (fingers and wrists) and the neck. The best way to avoid this problem is to move, depending on our age and physical condition. The most recommended physical exercises are walking and swimming.

The cracking of fingers and shoulders

Other recommended activities are those that help strengthen and restore muscle flexibility, increasing endurance to all workloads.

After the age of 30, the tissues in the joints begin to lose their elasticity, so it is even more important to give up bad habits, such as lack of physical activity or an inappropriate position of the body when sitting in front of the computer or TV.

Can snapping your fingers cause arthritis?

Many people wonder if snapping their fingers can lead to the development of arthritis. If it becomes a daily habit over several years, the cartilage will be affected. 

One of the best studies on this subject belongs to the doctor Donald Unger, who for more than 60 years clicked his fingers on his left hand twice a day, but did not do the same with his right hand. Every year he examined his hands and did not notice any signs of any degenerative disease, not even in the hand he “cracked”.

Radiography after snapping fingers

Another study looked at 30 seniors in a Los Angeles nursing home. Those who snapped their fingers all their lives did not have osteoarthritis. A third study, conducted in Detroit in adults over the age of 45, found that the main problem was loss of strength when grabbing an object and that more than 80% of those studied had swelling in their hands.

For this reason, it is recommended that we do not snap our fingers constantly. If you do this from time to time to relax, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

We hope we have been able to answer the eternal question, “Is the snap of the fingers harmful or not?” Thank you for reading our article!

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