Eye Rejuvenation Tricks

Many women want their eyes to look young. Fortunately, there are natural ways to accomplish this. 
Tricks for rejuvenating the eyes

The eyes are a mark of your identity. This part of the body is the mirror of the soul, but also a window to health. Traces of fatigue, sleepless nights and the passage of time are visible in the eye area. Here are some little tricks for rejuvenating your eyes.

Your eyes are exposed not only to your inner feelings, but also to the environment, which is why you should pay attention, for example, to how much time you spend in front of the computer or using your mobile phone.

Artificial light is very harmful to the eyes. In the following we will give you some tips for rejuvenating your eyes.  

What problems are your eyes facing?

Eye rejuvenation with natural remedies
  • Eyelids soft or loose. Many things can happen. You can wake up one morning with your eyelids slightly swollen. A night when you could not rest or inadequate hydration can lead to fluid buildup in the eyelids. The passage of time can also accentuate these signs.
  • Wrinkles. Every time you smile or have a facial expression, a few small wrinkles form in the outer corners of the eyes. They appear once the skin has lost its elasticity. Heredity and sun exposure also play an important role, but fortunately, these wrinkles can be treated.
  • Dark circles. Everyone is facing them. Dark circles appear under the eyes and are dark or purple. They occur as a result of fatigue, insufficient sleep, certain illnesses or emotional problems.
  • Bags under the eyes. Who doesn’t hate unsightly bags under the eyes? They occur as a result of hormonal changes or water retention in the body. The bags under the eyes give the face an unpleasant appearance and a strong impression of fatigue.
  • Dull eyes. Fatigue, an eye problem, the passage of time, the fact that you do not blink enough… all these are causes of dark, dull eyes. But fortunately, it is a problem that can be combated.

Remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

Egg whites help rejuvenate the eyes

Egg white

Although it may seem surprising, egg whites are known for their ability to moisturize and stretch sagging skin. This remedy is also effective for removing expression wrinkles.

To enjoy its benefits, apply an egg white around the eyes, massaging lightly. Repeat the procedure every morning and you will notice how the wrinkles disappear and the skin becomes firmer.


An important source of vitamin E and fatty acids, avocado moisturizes the skin and fights free radicals.

Take the core of half an avocado and pass it well with a spoon until you get a puree. Apply the mixture in the evening and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with fresh water.


This is the best known and most effective remedy. Cucumber is rich in vitamin C and caffeic acid. It stimulates the production of healthy tissues and moisturizes the skin.

Apply a slice of cucumber on each eye or mix in a blender half a cucumber and apply the paste on the eyes, leaving it to act for 15 minutes. You will notice that your eyes look more refreshed and healthier.

Remedies for dark circles and bags under the eyes

Remedy for rejuvenating the eyes with rose petals


This is a very popular remedy. Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory and sedative that stimulates blood circulation to the eye, preventing water retention.

Prepare an infusion of two sachets of chamomile. After the tea has cooled, soak two pieces of cotton wool or two cleansing disks in it and apply them on the eyes, leaving them to stand for 15 minutes. You will notice an improvement in the rejuvenation of the eyes.

Cucumber and milk

This mixture is excellent for reactivating circulation and removing bags and dark circles under the eyes. Put a glass of cold milk in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Soak two slices of cucumber in cold milk. Apply them on the eyes. The results will be seen immediately.

Rose petals

Take 8 or 9 rose petals and put them in a jar together with 4 tablespoons of almond oil. Let them soak for a whole day in a dark corner, where sunlight does not penetrate.

The next day, take a piece of cotton wool or a cleansing disc and massage your eyes with the resulting mixture. It is a pleasant and effective remedy.

Massage to combat fatigue and rejuvenate the eyes

Facial massage to rejuvenate the eyes

This massage helps to rejuvenate the eyes, giving them a healthier look. It is a technique that sets the blood in motion and tones your skin and eyes, making them more expressive and full of life.

For starters, wash your hands thoroughly and apply one of the creams mentioned above. You can also use egg white, avocado or cucumber cream. Start by massaging the area under your eyes with a circular motion, until you reach the eyelids and then the eyebrows.

  • Gently squeeze the top of your nose between your thumb and forefinger. Place your fingers between the two tear ducts and massage in small circles. This will lead to reactivation of circulation.
  • Then pinch the eyelids and gently pull on them. Also massage each eyelid with circular movements. 
  • Tap the area around the bags under your eyes with your middle finger.
  • Finally, for a moment of relaxation, cover your eyes with your palms for a minute.

Repeat the whole procedure three times.

Photo source: Polly Mcarthy, Eduardo Medina.

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