Detoxify And Clean The Liver With Beets

The liver is the organ that purifies the body. It filters the blood and eliminates large amounts of toxins and waste that can affect health. The liver is thought to perform more than 500 functions, but there are studies that indicate a higher number.
Detoxify and clean the liver with beets

Fortunately, the liver can be cleansed naturally by eating foods rich in nutrients, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Here are some tips on how to clean beet liver in just a few days. 

The liver is the organ that purifies the body. It filters the blood and eliminates large amounts of toxins and waste that can affect health. The liver is thought to perform more than 500 functions, but there are studies that indicate a higher number.

Therefore, it is important to have a healthy liver, which works at full capacity at any time of the day.

The liver is able to detoxify itself, without outside help, but only if we provide the necessary nutrients. However, we may sometimes overload it, preventing it from working properly.

Sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, pollution and the use of chemicals are factors that can cause the accumulation of toxins in the body, while affecting liver activity.

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice

Detoxify and clean the liver with beets

Beets have been used for years to cleanse the liver and prevent many diseases. It is easy to include this food in your diet, as it has a pleasant taste and can be used in many recipes.

Its ability to detoxify the liver is due to the high content of antioxidants that fight free radicals.

Beets contain betalaine, fiber, iron, beta-cyanine and folic acid, all of which are essential for liver health. This vegetable also contains a fiber called pectin, which helps eliminate toxins from the liver, improving its functions.

In addition, beets have the ability to regenerate damaged liver, as it stimulates the production of gastric acid, lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevents several types of cancer: lung, liver, skin, spleen and colon.

Detoxify and clean the liver with beets

You can clean the liver with beets and other vegetables

This great beet remedy is recommended for people with hepatic steatosis (“fatty liver”) or those who have liver problems due to smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

The optimal functioning of this organ ensures a general state of health, because with its help, the body can eliminate harmful or unnecessary substances that affect it in the long run.


  • 1 glass jar of about 3 liters
  • 700 grams of beets
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 200 grams of organic sugar
  • 100 grams of raisins

Method of preparation

Cut the beets into cubes and add them to the jar, along with the other ingredients. Fill the jar with boiled and cooled water. Then leave the mixture to ferment for 6-7 days.

Cover the jar with gauze to allow the contents to breathe during the fermentation process. Stir twice a day. At the end of the seven days, strain the liquid into another bowl and consume it.


  • It is recommended to take 3 tablespoons, 3 times a day.
  • The mixture should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • After a break of three months, you can repeat the treatment.

Side effects

  • It is possible that while taking this remedy, your urine will acquire a reddish tinge. Don’t worry, it’s just a beet color effect and it doesn’t affect your health in any way.
  • Beets can cause skin allergies. If this happens to you, it is good to give up the treatment.
  • People who have kidney stones or other kidney problems should avoid this remedy.
  • This treatment is strictly forbidden for people with diabetes, as beets contain more sugar than any other vegetable. In addition, a large amount of sugar used in the preparation of the remedy is added to the natural sugars in the composition of the beet.
  • Beets help fight constipation because it stimulates peristalsis. But if you have diarrhea, it may make your situation worse.

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