Dangerous Cleaning Products

Many studies have found that the cleaning chemicals we use at home can be harmful to our health. Read on to learn more about this important topic.
Hazardous cleaning products

Dangerous cleaning products according to science

Cleaning products dangerous to health
In many cases, cleansers contain ingredients that are toxic to the skin and respiratory system.

In 2012, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analyzed the most common household cleaning products. The results have been alarming. Approximately 65 highly toxic substances have been found , which are frequently associated with infertility, endocrine disorders, general malaise or neurotoxic diseases.

In Norway, the Department of Clinical Sciences at the University of Bergen conducted a study based on monitoring 6,000 people who used cleaning chemicals daily. This study found respiratory damage in people who were exposed to these toxic elements.

Moreover, the Accepted Nature Climate Change study at Harvard University focused on the damage that these substances cause to the environment. Symptoms such as anemia or iron deficiency can result from contamination resulting from the use of chemicals.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) also mentioned that humans coexist daily with 150,000 highly harmful synthetic substances.

Toxic substances in cleaning chemicals

Healthy cleaning products

Lemon and dish sponges
The use of gloves and masks is recommended to avoid exposure to toxic compounds.

All precautions are in place to prevent contaminated air from entering the lungs or skin contact with chemicals. Also, don’t forget that there are many effective and natural tricks for house cleaning.

You can replace chemicals without affecting the cleanliness of the house. In fact, the best option is environmentally friendly alternatives without toxic agents. However, if you plan to buy chemical-free cleaning products, you will probably need to make a larger investment.

But you can do most of the cleaning with a clean cloth, water and a little soap. If you cannot avoid the use of cleaning chemicals, it is essential to remember not to use them near certain people. For example, children, the elderly, or people in special situations, such as pregnant women, may be particularly vulnerable.

In conclusion, cleansing chemicals enter the body mainly through the airways, skin and eyes. You need to use them responsibly and always be aware of their components. Don’t forget to always read the labels and take into account your health.

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