Chickpea And Eggplant Salad Recipe

Chickpeas are a legume and, as such, a staple food that you should include in any type of diet. In turn, eggplant is a vegetable with countless health benefits and a low calorie count.
Chickpea and eggplant salad recipe

Many of us associate legumes with hot foods such as stews and soups. However, we can also enjoy them in salads, such as this chickpea and eggplant salad that we will teach you how to prepare today.

It is a nutritious, delicious salad, perfect for any time of the year. Try it too!

Chickpea salad and eggplant

When summer comes, even the idea of ​​a heavy, hot plate of legumes can make you shudder and not want to eat them. This means that you will avoid one of the most nutritious and necessary staple foods. But have you thought about eating legumes in a salad?

Today we offer you a recipe for chickpea and eggplant salad. It is the perfect combination that reminds us of traditional “home cooking”. In addition, the high nutritional content of its ingredients makes it an ideal, satisfying and tasty dish, perfect for any time of year.

Let’s first learn something about the main ingredients and their health benefits.


Chickpeas are distinguished by their high nutritional value. It is a source of high biological value proteins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

Chickpeas are a legume and therefore a staple food that should be included in any diet. Chickpeas have a high content of vegetable proteins and are a source of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, it is rich in vitamin E, thiamine, niacin and folate. It also contains large amounts of fiber, which promotes intestinal transit and makes you feel full.

Chickpeas provide 19.4 g of protein per 100 g and only 5 g of fat or fat.


Fresh eggplant
You can get rid of the bitter taste if you let the eggplant soak in salted water before cooking.

Eggplants are a vegetable that offers many benefits. They are high in fiber, minerals and vitamins and are extremely versatile in the kitchen. All this makes them perfect for all types of diets, especially for people who want to lose or control their weight.

Eggplants are low in calories (38 to 100 g), because almost 93% of their content is water. It also provides calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. They are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and heart function.

In terms of their vitamin content, eggplant is distinguished by the concentration of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin A and carotene.

However, you should keep in mind that you should not eat raw eggplant. This vegetable contains an alkaloid substance, solanine, which is toxic if eaten raw, but is inactivated when cooked. Therefore, we recommend that you always wash the eggplants well and soak them in salt water. In this way, the vegetable will lose some of its water and the bitter taste that solanine gives. After that, you have to cook it.

In any case, there is not enough solanine to cause intoxication, even if you eat raw eggplant. However, it will taste bitter if you do not cook it, so it is better to cook it.

Chickpea and eggplant salad recipe

Bowl with chickpea salad and delicious eggplant
You can eat this salad cold or hot. Depending on your taste, you can let it cool more or less.

Method of preparation

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