Causes Of Night Sweats And Remedies

Certain medications can increase our pulse and dilate the blood vessels on the surface of the skin, affecting the way we sweat. But is it normal to sweat when we sleep?
Causes of night sweats and remedies

What are the main causes of night sweats? Sweating is our body’s natural cooling system, which is usually activated when it is warm or moving. But sometimes it can happen that we wake up in the morning (or in the middle of the night) covered in sweat as if we had just returned home from the gym, and this experience can be very unpleasant and worrying.

There are many factors that can cause night sweats, and in this article we will talk about them. Is it normal to sweat when we sleep?

Causes of night sweats

No one wants to wake up wet in the middle of the night. However, in order to discover the main causes of night sweats, we need to consider several factors.

The first factor, but also the most obvious, is the temperature of the room in which we sleep, although we must not ignore how comfortable we feel in our own bedroom. Night sweats are caused not only by heat — moisture, blankets and thick pajamas, but also by the discomfort of an old mattress or a noisy bedroom.

The next factor you need to consider is your health. Have you changed your diet recently? Do you feel more tired than usual?

Symptoms of the flu include fever, which is the body’s natural response to infection. Night sweats, for a night or two, may be associated with a cold or flu. However, if you wake up sweaty after this interval, the problem may be much more serious.

Causes of night sweats in women

One of the most common causes of night sweats is hot flashes associated with menopause. A sudden drop in estrogen production can lead to a hormonal imbalance in the hypothalamus. This imbalance can increase a woman’s body temperature by up to six degrees. [source:]

Men are not exempt from this problem either. A decrease in testosterone production — either due to a deficiency or due to medications — may be a symptom of night sweats. In addition, although many men would never admit to suffering from hot flashes, androgen hormone deprivation can cause this symptom. [source: Harvard Medical School]

What other causes of night sweats are there?

Causes of night sweats in young people

Diseases and medicines

Many medications can increase your pulse and dilate the blood vessels on the surface of the skin, which can lead to night sweats. Antipyretics, ie those medications that reduce fever, can cause such symptoms.

When they feel like they have the flu, many people tend to take aspirin or other similar medications. These, although they will reduce the fever, can also cause night sweats. Other possible culprits are antidepressants. [source: American Academy of Family Physicians]

Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis or AIDS, are also causes of night sweats. Persistent fever, accompanied by sweating during the night, is a common symptom among HIV-positive people. Hodgkin’s disease, a type of lymphoma, is another infectious disease associated with these symptoms.


Another possible cause of night sweats is drinking before bed. Although a glass of wine can help us fall asleep easier, several studies have shown that alcohol-induced sleep is less restful and makes us more prone to headaches and night sweats. [source: American Academy of Family Physicians]


Spicy foods can also cause night sweats. Digestion of spicy foods can increase body temperature. Doctors have also found that in the case of people who sweat profusely, drinking coffee can make their problem worse. [source: Emedicine]


Some people suffer from a disease called hyperhidrosis, which is a symptom of frequent and excessive sweating during the day and night. If you have ruled out all other causes of night sweats, you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis. We advise you to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. [source: Mayo Clinic]

Natural remedies for night sweats

Causes of night sweats in girls

The first and most obvious step is to adjust your thermostat. Although doctors recommend that we sleep in a room where the temperature is 20-23, each of us is different. We recommend that you experiment with more temperatures, until you find the right one for you.

If you sleep with someone, and he / she prefers a colder or warmer temperature, then try to use a thicker or thinner blanket, respectively. [source: WebMD]

Another good idea is to try to eliminate any possible sources of stress. Emotions and anxiety are typical causes of excessive sweating. If a wedding or job interview is approaching, you may start sweating more than usual. However, if night sweats continue to persist even after the big day is over, we advise you to see a doctor.

Men who sweat during the night due to andropause (the male variant of menopause) can drink black cohosh tea or take cohosh supplements. This plant is found in many regions of North America. Its medicinal properties are useful in curing many diseases.

Red clover is another natural remedy that can relieve hot flashes and night sweats. But many studies show that the effects of this plant are not as clear as those of black cohosh. [source: Pray]

Both women and men can resort to natural remedies such as sage tea and goose foot. Sage tea can relax you and reduce your stress levels. The sole of the goose will specifically help you with sweating. Both teas calm you down and improve your circulatory system.

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