Can Medicines Be Returned To The Pharmacy? Explanations

Unfortunately, it is not possible to return medicines to the pharmacy. Want to know why? We will tell you below.
Can medicines be returned to the pharmacy?  Explanations

Can medicines be returned to the pharmacy? Many people try to return the medicines they bought, but face a major obstacle. Pharmacists do not allow the return of medicines, even if the packaging is closed. There are several legal and health reasons that prevent the return of products.

There are many reasons why a person may try to return a medicine. One of the most common reasons is the user’s error when buying the drug, especially in the case of over-the-counter products. However, no excuse presented will be valid to accept the return, except for some exceptions described in the laws.

What is a drug?

Medicines are nothing but chemical compounds that have useful properties for the treatment or prevention of disease. These compounds have the ability to correct or modify body functions to treat a specific pathology.

In general terms, medicines are made up of active ingredients and excipients. The active substance is the substance that will produce the desired pharmacological effect, ie the part that will change the functions of the body. The active ingredients of drugs can be obtained from plants and microorganisms or even synthesized in the laboratory.

Excipients are all those substances that are added to drugs, but which have no pharmacological effect. Their main function is to facilitate preparation, preservation or administration.

The use of drugs is essential for the treatment of many diseases. Drug use in a population can vary. For example, studies show that drug use in Spain is lower than the European average, with the exception of antacids, vasodilators and anxiolytics.

Medicine sheets

How are medicines stored?

Before explaining why medicines cannot be returned to the pharmacy, it is important to clarify how to store these compounds properly. They must be kept in optimal condition to do their job.

One of the factors that most affects the stability of drugs is temperature, according to research. Exposure to heat can significantly alter the components.

Specialists recommend keeping all medicines at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius. The following recommendations must also be followed:

  • The medicine cabinet should not be in the kitchen or bathroom to protect them from moisture.
  • Keep medicines out of the reach of children.
  • Keep the tablets in their packaging until the time of consumption.
  • Dispose of the medication properly at the end of treatment.

On the other hand, there are medicines that must be kept under certain specific conditions. Some compounds must be stored at very low temperatures to preserve their properties. Others, on the other hand, are able to degrade after exposure to sunlight.

Why can’t drugs be returned to the pharmacy?

As I said at the beginning of the article, medicines cannot be returned to the pharmacy. No matter what condition the drug is in, pharmacists will not accept its return. There are several reasons, both health and legal, that explain this.

Sanitary reasons

Pharmacists are responsible for ensuring the integrity and preservation of medicines while they are in the pharmacy. These professionals keep the drugs in optimal condition.

One of the main reasons why pharmacists do not accept the return of a medicine is the risk that it will not be in good condition. These healthcare professionals cannot guarantee that the product has been stored correctly or that it has not been modified.

The drug may be exposed to certain conditions of temperature or humidity that have changed its composition. Selling a compound in poor condition poses a real risk to the health of those who consume it. Modified medicines may cause side effects or may not work.

Legal reasons

There are certain decrees that prevent the return of medicines. The marketing of any medicine that has been returned is prohibited. In addition, the custody, storage and distribution of medicines belongs only to the various pharmacy services.

Returns are accepted only when the delivered product does not comply with the active principle requested by the customer or when the medicine was damaged during shipment (for online purchases).

All medicines returned under the conditions described must be disposed of properly. Under no circumstances can they be sold to the public, as it is impossible to verify their condition.

Person who wants to know if the drugs can be returned

A safety measure

As you can see, it is not possible to return medicines to the pharmacy. Pharmacists cannot guarantee the good condition of the product once it leaves the unit.

In this way, the administration of a returned medicine poses a risk to human health. Purchasing medicines online allows reimbursements, but under certain conditions. However, returned products must be discarded immediately.

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