A Hug Can Heal The Soul

Giving and receiving a hug can be the best medicine for your soul.
A hug can heal the soul

We all need hugs. Hugs give us a feeling of well-being, lighten our burdens and make us feel loved. It is important not only to receive, but also to offer hugs. Sometimes a simple hug can heal the soul. 

Hugs are a way to express affection, understanding, love and approval. They send messages like “Everything will be fine” or “I’m with you”, which we all need to hear from time to time.

In previous articles we talked about the need to develop self-esteem, to love yourself, to fight for your dreams and to avoid negative relationships.

Today we want to emphasize the significance of practicing this emotional gesture that represents much more than the contact between two bodies and the closeness of two hearts. It is an emotional openness and a way to embrace a person’s soul.

Tell him, do you hug your loved ones every day?

A hug can heal the soul and dispel fears

A hug can solve certain problems without requiring verbal communication. You probably had something like that after arguing with your partner or children and you just didn’t know what to do.

Throughout the day, various quarrels arise in which words full of tension are thrown. At some point the mind is emptied of thoughts, but the feelings and emotions experienced show us that we still love that person and it hurts that we can not find a solution.

Couple showing that a hug can heal the soul

A gesture as simple as a hug can heal the soul and immediately dissolve the tense states, stress and despair. Suddenly all the elements are in unison: the bodies, emotions and worries of the two individuals.

It is important to mention that in love relationships there are always moments of doubt, fear and worry.

  • Sometimes in a relationship the routine is installed, each day is similar to the previous one and to a certain extent the magic from the beginning is lost. Doubt arises in these moments.
  • You start to be afraid, you wonder if your partner still loves you, still wants you and if the relationship will always stay strong.
  • Proof of sincerity is needed at this time. Sometimes, saying “everything is fine” or “of course I still love you, what nonsense you say” is not enough. You don’t need words, you need actions. And nothing is more appropriate than a long, silent hug.

Remember that there are many ways to hug a person, and every time you receive a hug you have to feel that it is true, that it comes from the heart and is sincere. This is the only way you can dispel your fears, the universe is reunited, and a simple gesture acquires a transcendental value.

A hug connects you to the rest of the world and your loved ones

Lovers who long for a hug

The best hugs are the ones you get when you need it most, when you really discover what defines your life and heart.

  • There were many experiments on the street in which an anonymous person offered “free hugs”. It is a meeting with positive connotations that offer closeness, but the most sincere and “healing” hugs are those offered by loved ones.
  • A hug becomes a connection to the rest of the world when it comes from someone important to you. Think, for example, of a child if he or she does not have constant physical contact, such as good morning caresses and hugs and good night.
  • Hugging is a gesture of recognition of an individual, whether child or old. It is like a testimony that that man is a part of you, that you see him, that you love him and that you wrap him in your arms because he is a part of your soul.
  • Nothing in the world gives you more relief than a hug, if it is offered sincerely and at the right time. The heart comes to life, self-esteem strengthens, and the body releases endorphins that give you a feeling of well-being.

If they don’t hug you… you hug them!

A hug can heal a child's soul

Some people complain that their partner or children are “colder”. They do not seem to need these emotional manifestations or reject them. In their case, can a hug heal the soul?

It’s a matter of their personality. Even if they don’t give you hugs, that doesn’t mean they don’t need them or that they don’t appreciate this gesture. Some people have difficulty expressing this emotional need. I don’t dare do it and it seems they don’t want it either.

  • At a certain age, children begin to associate hugs with evidence of childhood-specific affection. During this period they try to assert their independence.
  • Don’t worry, don’t get mad at them and don’t think I don’t care about you. Believe it or not, a sudden and intense hug will always snatch a smile from them and make them blush.

We all need daily hugs or spontaneous hugs to strengthen human relationships. They send an important message: “I am here with you and I will always love you. You are the best part of my life. ” A hug can heal the wounded soul.

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