How To Treat Warts And Calluses Naturally

Do you have annoying bruises and calluses? Find out how you can treat them naturally!
How to naturally treat warts and calluses

Problems that can occur on the soles are very painful, making walking and daily activities difficult. The legs, although they are essential parts of the body, do not always receive proper care. In the following lines, you will find out how you can naturally treat warts and calluses.

What do you need to know about weeds and calluses?

To treat warts and calluses naturally, you need to know the cause of their appearance: these problems appear as a reaction to pressure or repeated friction in the area of ​​the feet, and the most common cause is improper footwear. Calluses can also appear on the hands due to repeated use of an instrument or object. But calluses on the feet are the most unpleasant and painful.

It is also important to know the difference between calluses and weeds. The latter are lumps caused by thickening of the skin, which may have a central keratin plug, with a hard, painful appearance when pressed. Wefts appear near the joints of the toes or on the sole. Calluses are larger (may be about 2.5 cm in diameter), have a thick layer of soft skin and appear on the side of the thumb or under the heel. Both problems can be treated at home, using the same natural remedies.

Feet without calluses

How to treat warts naturally

  • After bathing, the affected areas of the skin can be rubbed lightly with a pumice stone, then with a raw onion cut in half. At the end, put a few drops of arnica oil on the wefts.
  • Crush a clove of garlic and put olive oil on it. Apply this mixture on the weft. Then cover with a bandage and leave it like that all night. This remedy will soften the skin and help reduce weeds.
  • Grind a clove of garlic and mix it with a tablespoon of ivy oil. Soak a gauze in the mixture and apply directly on the weft. Leave the weft treatment to work overnight. The procedure can be repeated daily until the affected skin becomes soft.
  • Make a paste of 5 or 6 crushed aspirin pills, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of water. Put the paste on the weft and cover it with a hot towel for 10 minutes. Then, with a pumice stone, gently remove the dead skin.
Feet in the green grass
  • Another effective remedy can be made from a few leek leaves left for 24 hours in wine vinegar. Put the leaves as a compress on the weft for 20 minutes. Carefully remove dead skin, and finally disinfect the area with sanitary alcohol.
  • Marigold ointment is very good for removing weeds. Apply this ointment several times a day. In addition, it also acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  • You can pamper your feet by holding them for 10 minutes in an infusion made of a liter of water and 4 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Then apply Vaseline on the affected area and cover with a bandage or put a cotton sock on the foot.
  • Another remedy for curing weeds is breadcrumbs left to soak in apple cider vinegar for two days. Three nights in a row, put this mixture on the weft under the bandage.
How you can naturally treat wounds on your feet

How to treat calluses naturally

  • Apply the pulp of a ripe fig on the callus and let it sit under the bandage for a few hours, possibly during the night. Clean the treated area with warm water and, after half an hour, remove the callus using a pumice stone.
  • Calluses can also be removed with the help of spinach leaves. Wash and crush about 40 g of spinach leaves. Then put them in a gauze or bandage and apply them on the affected area as a poultice for 20 minutes. This treatment can be repeated several days in a row (about a week) until the callus can be removed.
  • Calluses or dry areas of the skin can also be treated with earplugs. Grind a handful of leaves and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply this mixture on the affected area. Allow it to dry and rub the skin with a pumice stone.
  • Keep your feet in warm water for 10 minutes (or until the water cools). Apply a paste of baking soda and water on the still wet skin and rub the affected area with a pumice stone.
Feet with calluses under bandages
  • Keep a slice of raw pineapple (fixed with a bandage) on the callus for one night. In the morning, soak your feet in water for 10 minutes. This treatment is repeated several times (at least four times).
  • Callus removal can be done using a mixture of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and olive oil, which rubs the hard skin areas. Finally, apply almond oil.
  • You can use on calluses and castor oil (daily for two weeks).
  • Look for some nettle stems and flowers, wash them well and crush them until a paste results. Apply it on the callus. Preparing nettles can be done more easily in a blender. Marigold petals, similarly prepared, can also be useful for treating calluses or weeds.

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