Bone Marrow Edema: What You Need To Know

Bone marrow edema is an inflammatory process in the bones. It often causes pain during exercise for extended periods of time. Want to know more about this health problem? Read more!
Bone marrow edema: what you need to know

Bone marrow edema is an inflammatory process that usually occurs in the trabecular bone. In other words, it appears in the internal spongy component of the bones. Its causes range from trauma to degenerative diseases. Sometimes, it also appears among those who start to practice intense physical activity after having a sedentary life.

The scientific journal Dolor, Investigación, Clínica y Terapéutica explains that this pathology is common in the practice of rheumatology, because there is a greater use and availability of magnetic resonance imaging as a diagnostic test. As a result, it has become easier to identify this type of problem.

So, given all these aspects, what are the characteristics of bone marrow edema?

What is bone marrow edema?

The bones are made up of two structures that are easy to differentiate. One of them is the cortical bone, which is made of a hard and compact material that surrounds the outer shell of the skeleton. The other structure is the trabecular bone, a more spongy tissue that makes up the internal skeletal matter.

In the trabecular bone, there are a large number of blood vessels, because the bones must be fed. According to an article published by FASTA University in Argentina, an accumulation of fluid in the trabecular bone causes bone inflammation. This often happens because the blood vessels rupture and bleeding occurs inside the bone. Accumulation of inflammatory fluid may also occur after an injury. In any case, we can say that bone marrow edema is a kind of bruise inside the bone.

It is important to understand that this condition can also occur in the cortical bone, even if it is not as common. We must also mention that the peculiarities of the disease vary depending on the reversibility.

Thus, experts classify the pathology into two large groups:

Bone marrow edema
Bone edema is an inflammatory process characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the bones.

Why does bone marrow edema occur?

As you can imagine, most cases of bone marrow edema are the result of injuries, falls, heavy physical load or sports overload. Even so, the Rheumatology of the General Hospital of Elche warns us that, in many cases, the causes are not completely clear.

Although the main trigger is a serious injury, micro-injuries that continue to occur over time can also cause bone marrow edema. For example, during a 10-kilometer run, a person hits the ground about 8,000 times. Consequently, this affects its internal bone structure, as well as its muscles and ligaments.

However, sport is not the only trigger. Diseases such as osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis (lack of blood supply), osteoporosis or complex regional pain syndrome lead to this inflammation. In short, anything that weakens the bone predisposes it to breakage.

Symptoms of bone marrow edema


What is the treatment for bone marrow edema?

Physiotherapy session
The treatment of bone edema consists of several phases. In the beginning, rest is essential. Later, experts recommend physiotherapy techniques.

Preventive measures

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