Emotionally Addicted Women Are At Higher Risk For Femicide

It is very important that, even if we love our partner, we learn to love and respect ourselves. We must learn to be complete beings so that we do not depend on anyone.
Women with emotional dependence have a higher risk of femicide

Femicide is a reality that, unfortunately, makes dozens of victims around the world every day. There is a growing concern about the risk it poses to all women. The dreaded emotional addiction may have something to do with femicide.

Femicide refers to the killing of women motivated by machismo. Most such crimes were committed by a close relative of the woman. This is due to the control that many men exercise over girls and women. They go so far as to think that they can dispose of the lives and bodies of females.

The danger of emotional dependence

Physical and psychological abuse is one of the first signs that should alert women to a possible risk of becoming another victim of this heinous crime.

It can happen that women who are abused have low self-esteem, are insecure, feel guilty and have an emotional addiction that does not allow them to continue their life away from the aggressor.

By making the decision to resume the relationship with that violent being, you give him more reasons to believe that he can be in control. This was stated by Beatrice Macciotta Felices, a psychiatrist in the Department of Mental Health at the Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital in Peru. The doctor said that a large part of the cases of violence are not officially reported by the victims.

Child with emotional addiction


According to the expert, women with this addiction do everything to hide the aggressor, do not go to hospitals or reporting centers and often find a justification, living a real sense of guilt.

The personality of the perpetrator may vary. He is selfish, jealous, insecure or egocentric. In addition, they almost always try to justify their actions or minimize the importance of attacks.

After the first abuse, it is very likely that the attacks will be repeated again and again. Filing a complaint is very important. There were cases in which the woman left her partner, and the latter killed her to take revenge.

How to overcome an episode of emotional addiction?

All people, regardless of age, have the ability to overcome emotional addiction.

Recognize the problem

This is perhaps the most difficult step. Reflecting and accepting that things are not going well is the first step in the detachment process.

Seek support

Maybe a friend or close family member. Building a support network is the best idea. In addition, you can find out if there are women’s care centers in your area.

Strengthen your self-esteem

One of the main factors in all types of emotional dependence is low self-esteem. In case of violence, the aggressor makes sure that he can dominate the victim.

With the support of a psychology professional, self-esteem can be strengthened.

Loneliness is beneficial

Young woman who got rid of emotional addiction


A healthy love makes us feel whole and happy. However , it is important to learn to live alone so that you do not depend on anyone.

Go to the police!

We know that this is not an easy decision and that it involves risks. However, it is the best way to prevent tragic consequences, such as femicide.

Finally, we believe it is important to emphasize that we are never to blame for being raped or abused. Emotional addiction, the way we dress or what we do does not cause femicide. What causes death is machismo!

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