9 Clues To The Appearance Of Your Tongue About Your Health

Did you know that the tone of the tongue can indicate a vitamin deficiency or an infection in the body? Depending on the color, you can find out if it can be attributed to inadequate hygiene or a more serious problem. 
9 clues provided by the appearance of the tongue regarding your health

The tongue is like a mirror: you can look at it to find out if you have a health problem. Do not ignore this small organ, because the appearance of the tongue can reveal a lot of useful information about what is happening in your body. 

In today’s article, we tell you what every nuance your language can have.

1. The red tongue

Which indicates the appearance of the red tongue

If you notice that your tongue is a bright red, you may be suffering from a vitamin deficiency. Is it slightly glossy? Then this is a sign that there is a lack of iron and vitamin B12 in your diet.

In addition, if the tongue is more “flat” than usual, it means that your taste buds have smoothed.

In severe cases, you may feel sharp pain when drinking hot liquids or eating fast food. If you experience these discomforts, we recommend that you go to the doctor and monitor your diet.

2. Sea

If you notice a brown or blackish deposit on the tongue, this may indicate poor oral hygiene.

In addition, this shade may also indicate that you are a smoker or a heavy drinker of coffee or tea. As a result, you may also notice that your mouth emits an unpleasant odor and that your taste is affected. For example, you may have difficulty recognizing certain flavors. 

Try to give up these harmful habits or temper them, not only to improve the appearance of your tongue, but also to protect your health.

3. Whitish

Which indicates the appearance of the tongue of a whitish hue

If you have a very light tongue or notice that a layer of cow’s cheese has appeared on its surface, you may suffer from oral candidiasis. Underlying this condition is an overgrowth of a fungus called  Candida albicans. 

Oral candidiasis can have several causes: prolonged antibiotic treatment, diabetes, a weakened immune system, or high blood pressure. In any case, if the appearance of the tongue could suggest its presence, it is best to go to the doctor.

4. Cute at the level of the tongue

If you notice wrinkles or wrinkles on the tongue, they may just be a sign of aging. Usually, wrinkles do not cause pain. But if you also have poor oral hygiene, the risk of infection increases.

For example, a fungal infection can develop in one of the folds, and it can cause acute pain and stinging.

To solve the problem, all you have to do is follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

5. White dots

You have to be very careful, because the small white dots that appear on the tongue can indicate a serious problem. These are generally caused by excessive cell development in smokers. Some of these cells may be precancerous, but the probability is very low.

If the white spots on the tongue do not disappear after a few weeks, it is advisable to go to the doctor and do some tests.

6. Blisters or reddish lesions

The tongue may have lesions that indicate a serious health problem

Blisters or lesions on the tongue that persist for a long time can be a symptom of a serious illness, such as tongue cancer.

It is recommended to go to the doctor immediately if you face this problem. The specialist will know what tests are indicated in this situation.

7. Tongues of the tongue

The burning sensation on the tongue can be caused by a number of major hormonal changes. They generally occur during menopause.

Another cause of tongue stinging may be the use of unsuitable toothpaste. Some people are allergic to a component called sodium lauryl sulfate, which is responsible for the foam that toothpaste makes.

If you suspect that you also suffer from such an allergy, try to change your toothpaste to see if anything changes.

8. Painful ulcerations

The cause of painful ulcers on the tongue can be stomatitis. Although this condition is more common among children, 20% of adults are also affected.

Ulcers are a sign of stress and a weakened immune system. If they do not disappear within a week, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

9. Holes or roughness in the appearance of the tongue

Bumps or roughness are not very common, but they can exist. Although they are rare, they are not dangerous. If you don’t miss it, you don’t have to worry. Your language is simply different from other people’s!

Representative image source: wikiHow.com

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