The Bad Smell Of Shoes – 7 Remedies

When it comes to unpleasant odors, it is just as important to eliminate the cause as it is to get rid of the actual smell.
Unpleasant smell from shoes - 7 remedies

The unpleasant smell in the shoes is a very annoying problem, but how can we fix it? Sometimes the inner layer of our shoes retains sweat and germs excessively, and removing these impurities is not always easy.

But don’t worry: there are several pretty simple tricks you can try to get rid of sweat and the bad smell of shoes. Read on and you will find out!

7 tricks to get rid of the bad smell from shoes

1. Trick with baking soda

Baking soda used to remove unpleasant odors from shoes

In an earlier article, I showed you the many benefits of baking soda in terms of house cleaning. A natural chemical, it  can absorb any stains, odors and moisture, so you can be sure that it will help you get rid of the bad smell from shoes.

So how can you use it? It’s very simple: just sprinkle a little baking soda on the insole of each shoe. Let him act at night, and the next morning your shoes will be like ours.

The unpleasant smell will have no chance against this remedy!

2. Trick with talcum powder

The unpleasant smell of shoes removed with talcum powder

Like baking soda, talcum powder can absorb moisture and remove unpleasant odors from shoes.

You have two options: either you can sprinkle talcum powder on your shoes and let it work at night, or you can put powder on your soles before you put on your shoes to prevent perspiration.

Both options work!

3. Trick with sage and lavender to eliminate bacteria

The unpleasant smell of lavender-combed shoes

This trick is very effective and shows us why it is good to always have a little sage and lavender at hand. They are very useful for eliminating unpleasant odors.

All you have to do is put a few sage leaves and some lavender stalks in your shoes, and then take them out on the balcony at night. The fresh air will help the two plants to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the shoes, and in the morning they will smell wonderful.

4. Trick with orange, lemon and grapefruit

The unpleasant smell of shoes removed with orange

Never throw away orange, lemon and grapefruit peels, because they can be very useful if you want to eliminate the unpleasant smell from your shoes. This remedy is very simple: put the mentioned shells in the shoes and let them act at night. It is guaranteed to work!

5. Tea tree oil based trick

Hair oils used to remove odors from shoes

Of all the essential oils that have antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is by far and perhaps one of the most effective. You can find it in any plafar or pharmacy. It is not expensive at all and you can use it both as a hand sanitizer and to remove the unpleasant odor from shoes.

All you have to do is drizzle a little tea tree oil in your shoes twice a week, and the odors and bacteria that accumulate there will disappear immediately. Isn’t that easy?

6. Eliminate the causes

The unpleasant smell of high-heeled shoes

We all know that the bad smell in shoes is largely due to perspiration. But you’ve probably noticed that some shoes smell worse than others. The reason is that the insoles of the shoes absorb a lot of perspiration, which contributes to the development of bacteria.

If the bad smell in your shoes doesn’t go away easily, try replacing the insoles of your shoes regularly.

You may not be able to find replacement insoles, but don’t worry: apply the tricks I presented above, and the unpleasant smell in your shoes won’t bother you for long.

Keep in mind that in the long run, the unpleasant smell in shoes can lead to more serious foot problems. It is very important to maintain proper hygiene!

7. Keep your shoes clean

Unpleasant odor on shoes affecting heels
  • From time to time, try to wear sandals or other footwear that allows your feet to breathe. Worn in excess, shoes that keep them closed can lead to odors.
  • When you get home, take off your shoes and let them air out.
  • The shoes absorb odors and perspiration, regardless of their quality. Make an extra effort to keep your shoes clean at all times. Brush your shoes on the outside every day and clean the inside with a cloth soaked in a little detergent. Rub them well to remove any stains or moisture.
  • If your feet tend to sweat excessively, we advise you to use talcum powder, as I described above. It is a simple remedy that will protect your feet from those unpleasant odors so annoying.

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