The Subconscious Speaks To You To Give You Answers

Do you feel unmotivated? Are you caught in a toxic relationship? You feel lonely? You’re afraid? Read on to find out how to explore the deepest corners of your subconscious.
The subconscious speaks to you to give you answers

How many problems have come your way recently? One? More? Have you been through dozens and dozens of conflicts? Sometimes the subconscious speaks to you and can give you the saving solution you are looking for. All you have to do is learn how to listen to him and interpret the messages he sends you. However, accessing the subconscious is not easy, requiring a lot of introspection.

Many people choose to use the services of a psychologist specializing in hypnosis in order to access their subconscious. Others do it on their own, using the so-called “house walk method”.

When the subconscious speaks to you

The subconscious speaks to you and sends certain messages

Have you ever had an anxiety attack? This problem is a simple alarm signal that your mind sends to you. Maybe you don’t know why you’re worried. However, it is not excluded that she was overwhelmed by certain problems for a long time.

When you wait too long to solve a problem, it can become an obstacle. You know it’s probably not a good idea to ignore your problems, but you’re still waiting for them to become a reality that can’t be overlooked. If your body is trying to send you a message, listen to it, because the subconscious is talking to you about it.

The engine of thought

The subconscious speaks to you and becomes an instinct

Bruce Lipton, a doctor and researcher, said a very interesting thing: “The subconscious is a thousand times stronger than the conscious mind. You use your subconscious 95% of the time, but you can’t control it. “

The reason we cannot control our subconscious is that it is a part of the mind that plays an important role in the thought process. Try to think of answers to simple questions that come to mind almost automatically. E.g:

“Where is the Eiffel Tower?”

“In Paris.”

You answer this question without thinking too much, because the answer has been internalized in your subconscious.

The same thing happens when you move the fingers of one of your hands or go for a walk. You don’t have to be aware of a movement to execute it. But, surprisingly, the opposite can also be true. There are certain issues that we are not fully aware of. Maybe we didn’t pay enough attention to them or maybe we hope they will work out on their own.

The subconscious and instincts

The subconscious speaks to you and helps you make the right decision

There is a close connection between instincts and the subconscious. Have you ever reconsidered a decision because your intuition suggested that it was not the best option? Although you may have labeled this phenomenon as a mere premonition, the truth is that this is one of the occasions when the subconscious speaks to you and tries to warn you of a problem.

The subconscious encourages you to make the right decision, the one that will give you the most benefits, through a silent order. Get ready to listen to him. This part of your mind will help you in many life situations. So what can you do?

  • Pay attention to your emotions. Repressing them is a futile attempt to silence your subconscious.
  • You have the courage to discover yourself. When you delve into your subconscious, you may discover parts of yourself that you are not happy with or on the contrary, some traits that you can really appreciate about yourself.
  • Accept the situation. Not all evils in life are caused by bad luck, and certain negative things are not directed at you. Misfortunes do not choose their victims.
  • She spends more time alone. The fear of loneliness forces you to take refuge in crowded places, so that you can avoid yourself.

Connect with your deep self

The subconscious speaks to you through the Mindfulness technique

The mindfulness technique, also called “full consciousness”, is a practice that allows us to establish a connection with our inner self. One of its techniques, meditation, can be very helpful.

If you want to connect with your subconscious, we advise you to start paying attention to your dreams. Even if they seem meaningless, put them in writing for later analysis. This step is essential to establish a close connection with your subconscious.

As soon as you manage to make contact, it is important to make a change. It changes the aspects that hurt you and oppress you, it repairs the wounds that refuse to heal. Continuing to follow the same path as before, you practically turn your back on your instincts.

Like solving problems, it is not easy to change your behavior. But even if you do not take any action, your subconscious will continue to work.

It never gets tired and sends you signals to warn you that you need to change the path you are following and consider the solutions it offers you.

So, do you feel unmotivated? Are you caught in a toxic relationship? You feel lonely? You’re afraid? Why? Investigate the deep corners of your mind and you will find out that the subconscious speaks to you and sends you certain messages. Only there will you find the answers you are looking for.

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