How To Teach Your Child To Manage Time

It is the duty of parents to teach their children how to manage their time to help them be productive in terms of study and free time for play.
How you teach your child to manage time

It is important for children to learn to organize their daily responsibilities and use their time wisely. Going to school, homework and play… can all be done if you teach your child to manage the time he has available. The program made by the parents determines what the daily life of the children will be like.

When both parents work away from home or when only one of them takes care of the household, the child’s life is full of various activities. His schedule seems to be very busy.

But the fact that a child jumps from one activity to another does not mean that he knows how to use his time wisely. It is very possible that even his parents do not know how to organize their program effectively. Both parents and children need to acquire the skills of proper time management.

The child must know and appreciate the value of time

Children swimming

Your children probably hear you say “Time means money” or “I don’t have time” very often. If they are still small, they most likely do not understand what you mean. Children do not have the notion of time, nor do they know how it influences people’s lives.

As they grow older, children begin to understand what words like “today,” “tomorrow,” “right now,” “later,” and so on mean.

How do you teach your child to manage time? It all starts with the sunrise. Waking up must be done at a certain time each day. Then comes the dressing, serving breakfast and going to school. These early days are the first chance you have to teach your child to organize his time effectively.

When he returns from school, he has to organize things so that he can deal with extracurricular homework and activities and play. You can tell the child that there is enough time for each type of activity and that, after he finishes, he will have free time to do what he wants.

But it’s not a good idea to keep your child busy all the time either. Almost all parents do this: they overwhelm and overwork their children with various activities. The child must learn that, if he is responsible, he can enjoy his free time as he wishes. This will be the greatest reward for him.

How you teach your child to manage time

You probably already know that the examples you give your child are of major importance. If you are always on the run to take your child to school or if you are always late when you have to pick him up, do not give him the best example of correct time management.

Thoroughly organize your own daily schedule so that the little one understands what it means to manage the time spent at work, at home or with the family.

You also need to manage the time your child spends on homework and study. He should not do his homework before bed. Important things, such as on-demand projects, have to work full days or test preparation should never be left on the last hundred meters. By helping him to organize such things correctly, you teach your child to manage time.

In addition, you need to help the little one understand that if he is more productive with homework or other tasks, he will have more free time.

For children, the most important and interesting thing is play. Therefore, we must take advantage of their interest in this activity to teach them the importance of well-organized time.

Help the child organize his program

Homework child

The free time in which he can play at will is the biggest reward for a child who manages to manage his time efficiently. Here are some key tips to help you do just that:

Establish a reasonable schedule

Your child must have a well-established schedule to learn to follow. This should include time for play, study, watching TV, sports or surfing the internet.

Kids love the well-established schedule. But this does not mean that they should never be spontaneous or flexible.

Creates and encourages routine

  • When the child gets out of bed in the morning, he must know that he must prepare for school.
  • He has to finish his homework before playing.
  • It is necessary to collect the used toys and put them in their place before taking others.
  • Before going to bed, the child should have his backpack ready for the next day and take a bath.

The daily routine helps to organize the time and harmonize the program.

Provides roles and responsibilities

The roles excite the children and make them fulfill their responsibilities. Your child needs to know that he is responsible for “something” in the household.

Similarly, if you have two or more children, you must assign roles and responsibilities to each of them. For example, one child may be responsible for walking the dog and another for watering the plants.


How do you teach your child to spend time efficiently

Teaching the child how to manage time is a very important aspect, because in this way he will always be able to finish the tasks on time. In addition, proper organization will make the child more responsible. Thus, he will be able to fully enjoy the free time left for his favorite activities.

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