Diabetic Foot Care Tips

Diabetic foot is a common cause of hospitalization. To avoid major complications, it is essential to follow a few tips for diabetic foot care.
Tips for diabetic foot care

Diabetic foot care is very important because this condition implies that the patient is more likely to suffer certain types of injuries, be they intrinsic or extrinsic. Therefore, it is a risky disease.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects more than 400 million people worldwide. This condition causes a significant increase in blood sugar ( blood sugar). This happens when the body does not secrete enough insulin or does not secrete it at all.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. This allows glucose from food to enter the cells to provide them with energy. If there is not enough insulin, glucose stays in the blood, causing serious health problems over time.

What is a diabetic foot?

Diabetic foot with injuries

Diabetic foot is a clinical neuropathic disorder (with nerve damage) induced by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels). It can occur with or without ischemia (lack of blood supply). After a traumatic trigger, it causes injuries or ulcerations.

Diabetic foot is one of the main causes of non-traumatic amputations, because patients suffer from complications such as ulcers and neuropathies (loss of senses). According to the World Health Organization, diabetes will affect more than 330 million people by 2030.

“Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are associated with significant impairment of quality of life, increased morbidity and mortality and are a huge use of health care resources,” says Dr Andrew Boulton, Professor at the University of Manchester and Consultant at Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Basic tips for diabetic foot care

Diabetic foot care by cutting nails
Although the correct nail cutting requires a certain technique, it is not difficult at all.

Tips on shoes

Man wearing blue shoes

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As you have seen, it is important that all patients with high blood sugar levels take steps to treat diabetic foot. In addition to medical check-ups, these tips will help avoid complications.

If you need more information, the Romanian Society for Diabetes has published a complete guide for diabetic foot care, which you can read at any time.

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