How To Choose A Healthy Yogurt?

Yogurt is a high nutritional quality food that can be included in the diet. However, it is important to know how to choose the right option, avoiding those that contain too much sugar.
How to choose a healthy yogurt?

Getting to the cold aisle of the supermarket and trying to choose a healthy yogurt has become a really difficult task. Given the wide variety of brands and flavors that a yogurt can have, we must analyze all the details that may come to mind. How to choose a healthy yogurt?

We are forced to go through the list of ingredients on the label and often they are not completely clear to us. What exactly should we consider in order to make a good choice?

What is the healthiest yogurt?

Let’s get straight to the point: the best yogurt we can choose is whole, unsweetened natural yogurt. The ingredients of a good yogurt should be only two: milk and lactic ferments. So anything that deviates from this simple formula cannot be considered a good choice for our daily diet.

How to choose a healthy yogurt?

Nutritional properties and benefits of yogurt

Girl who chooses a healthy yogurt
The best yogurt is natural, without additives, flavors or preservatives. This option is rich in protein, probiotics and other health-promoting nutrients.

In addition to being a nutritious food, one of the main benefits of yogurt is that it is very rich in probiotics. It contains significant amounts of beneficial bacteria, mainly lactobacilli and streptococci, which have positive effects on the body, not only in the intestine.

According to a study published in the journal Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, probiotic intake is associated with a lower risk of inflammatory bowel disease.

In addition, although it has a slightly acidic taste, it is a very light and digestive food. Even for people with lactose intolerance, it is much better than milk, because lactose has been broken down by bacteria.

It should be noted that, due to its protein and fat, it is a satiating food, also suitable for people on diets.

What yogurt is not healthy?

2. Low-fat yogurts

Bowls with healthy yogurt
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, low-fat yogurts are not the best diet. Although they contain less fat, they may contain starch, sweeteners and other additives.

One of the problems with low-fat yogurts is that they lose the creaminess and flavor that the fat gives them. The same goes for “zero fat and zero sugar” yogurts.

Manufacturers end up adding other ingredients, such as sweeteners, starch and other additives, for flavor and consistency. The end result is a product of poorer nutritional quality than a yogurt made only from milk and lactic ferments.

In addition, there are scientific studies that deny the bad reputation of whole milk, saturated fats and their relationship with excess weight, cholesterol or cardiovascular problems. In fact, it is stated that “the intake of dairy products in typical dietary patterns is inversely associated with the risk of obesity.”

Although the study is not conclusive, it opens the door to further research.

We refer to creams, puddings, chocolate mousse and the like. Although most are made from milk, they also have a lot of added sugar. Some have up to 25 grams of sugar. By consuming a single jar, we exceed the maximum amounts recommended by the World Health Organization for Children.

Increasing sugar intake has been shown to be harmful to health. This ingredient is able to affect metabolic health, thus increasing the risk of developing diabetes.

Can you choose another type of healthy yogurt?

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