Preparation And Benefits Of Shock Syrup

Shock syrup is a natural product with components that help treat cold symptoms. What other benefits does it offer? How is it prepared? Find out everything in this article!
Preparation and benefits of shock syrup

Shock syrup is a preparation made from the fruit of the plant of the same name. The sambucus ( Sambucus nigra ) is a tree that measures between 4 and 5 meters (between 13 and 15 feet) in height. It has brown leaves and greenish-yellow flowers. The fruit is dark, purple, almost black. In this article, we will discuss the preparation and benefits of shock syrup.

Traditional medicine uses shock leaves, flowers and fruits for medicinal purposes. Shock syrup has been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory tract diseases. What other uses does it have? What does its preparation entail? Keep reading!

The benefits of shock syrup

The most common use of shock syrup is as an adjunct to combat various symptoms associated with respiratory diseases (for example, when there is an increase in the secretion of mucous membranes, stuffy nose, asthma attacks, laryngitis, cough and others).

Several studies have attempted to demonstrate the effectiveness of this preparation for the treatment of certain diseases. Studies have shown that patients with flu symptoms, who received daily doses of the product, showed signs of improvement, even without other types of medication.

Other studies suggest that this plant may also be useful as an agent for preventing common colds. People who had to travel on mainland air and consumed shock extract were, on average, less likely to suffer from colds. Similarly, the duration of symptoms, as well as their intensity, was significantly shorter.

In addition, recent research has discovered antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, antilipid and even antidepressant properties of shock.

Therefore, experts suspect that this plant and its fruits have the potential to complete the treatment of diabetes, obesity, various metabolic dysfunctions and even urinary system problems.

Woman who knows the benefits of shock syrup
In traditional medicine, people use shock syrup to treat respiratory ailments.

Precautions on consumption of shock syrup

According to what has been said so far, shock syrup seems effective, safe and even beneficial for the treatment of various diseases. However, science has not yet confirmed all these findings through larger studies. Moreover, scientists have not assessed the risks and possible side effects.

In this regard, you must be careful when consuming shock syrup and do not exceed the indicated doses. Higher doses can have dramatic effects because the shock is a powerful laxative as well as an effective diuretic. Therefore, you should never combine it with other medicines that have similar effects.

Also, eating unripe fruit or uncooked flowers can cause nausea, vomiting and even severe intoxication. Bark, seeds and green fruits contain substances known as lectins, which can cause stomach problems.

Branches, leaves, roots and seeds are potentially toxic due to the cyanogenetic glycoside mentioned above. In people with allergies, rashes or breathing problems may occur after consuming a shock product or after contact with the plant.

Shock is not recommended for children and adolescents, pregnant women or nursing mothers. Although there is no evidence that it is dangerous, there is no information to confirm that it is safe in such situations. Therefore, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid shock products.

Preparation of shock syrup

You can buy ready-made shock syrup. But it is relatively easy to prepare. Of course, due to the effects mentioned in the previous section, it is essential to be careful when preparing.

The main ingredient is shock, which can be fresh or dried – you can find it in the market or in health food stores. Of course, you can choose your own fresh fruits from the forest, as long as you know how to recognize the plant and the ripe fruits. You need to take precautions in this regard, because there are other species of plants that are very similar, but toxic.

Preparation of shock syrup
Although you can buy shock syrup from health food stores, you can make it at home.

Consume shock syrup in moderation

Some natural products and recipes have unscientific traditional uses. This is not the case with shock syrup, as studies have already recognized its virtues and properties.

This is a product that you should use in moderation because, when consumed in excess, it can have counterproductive effects. In addition, it should only be an adjuvant when treating certain diseases, as it is not considered a first-line treatment.

We hope you enjoyed this article on the preparation and benefits of shock syrup!

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