7 Foods That Eliminate Nicotine

In addition to the will to resist the temptation to light a cigarette, we can also resort to certain foods that help us give up nicotine addiction.
7 foods that eliminate nicotine

Nicotine is an alkaloid with many side effects.  Below we present a series of foods that help detoxify the body and teach you how to eliminate nicotine from the body. But first of all, it is necessary to completely quit smoking.

Nicotine in tobacco can create the same level of addiction as alcohol, cocaine or morphine. It is a reality we cannot ignore.

It is not easy to quit smoking. The body and the brain are very used to this stimulant, and when they do not have it, we face symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, agitation.

Whether you are an active or a passive smoker, your health suffers. You need to take drastic measures to enjoy a high quality of life.

In addition, in order to heal your lungs and eliminate toxins from the body, it is advisable to adopt healthier eating habits.

The effects of nicotine on the body

How to eliminate nicotine from the body

When we think about the negative effects of tobacco use, the first thing that comes to mind is lung cancer. Leaving aside this extreme case, there are other conditions caused by smoking that we often do not pay due attention to.

Only some smokers develop long-term lung cancer, but absolutely all tobacco users experience the following negative effects:

  • Accelerated heart rate.
  • When it reaches the brain, nicotine acts on neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. We feel more relaxed, but only temporarily.
  • After an hour or two, we need another dose. Addiction is created very quickly.
  • Nicotine alters metabolism.
  • In addition, this alkaloid also has an impact on digestion, slowing down the gastric processes.
  • Nicotine increases the level of acidity in the body and impairs the functions of the pancreas.
  • It affects and irritates the intestines.
  • Constant use of nicotine stimulates the production of gastric acid. 

Foods that eliminate nicotine

Whether or not you are a smoker who has decided to give up this habit, it is important to adopt a proper diet to eliminate toxins from the body.

Remember that neither low-nicotine cigarettes nor nicotine patches are healthy options. They can be an effective way to give up tobacco little by little, but in the long run they can be just as dangerous.

It is best to use your own will, control the urge to light a cigarette and resist the temptation. A life without tobacco is a healthy life. You need to remember this.

Now let’s see what are the foods that help you fight the negative effects of nicotine on the body.

1. Eliminate nicotine with natural orange, pomegranate and lemon juice

You can eliminate nicotine with orange juice

Vitamin C in its pure form is synonymous with excellent health. This natural compound has medicinal benefits for all smokers. It helps repair damaged tissue, improves circulation, eliminates toxins and increases the amount of red blood cells.

Every morning, mix some orange juice with the juice of half a lemon and the seeds of half a pomegranate, put them in a blender and drink the juice before breakfast. Add honey if needed.

2. Eliminate nicotine with broccoli

Broccoli is very effective in removing metals and toxins from the body.

This food helps prevent cancer and is one of the most important sources of vitamin C and B5. Therefore, it should not be missing from your diet.

3. Ginger

Do not hesitate to add fresh ginger to the food. Two or three grams in a salad is enough.

Ginger is one of the best ingredients for people who want to quit smoking because it cleanses the body of toxins such as nicotine.

4. Remove nicotine with carrot juice

People who quit smoking should drink plenty of fluids. The body must be “cleansed” of all harmful substances that it has accumulated over time.

Carrot juice is rich in vitamins A, B, C and K, which are absolutely essential for eliminating nicotine.

5. Raspberries

You can eliminate nicotine with the help of raspberries

The Spanish Society of Tobacco Specialists (SEDET) provides us with very interesting information. The Institute for Scientific Research in Health (ICSa) at Hidalgo State University, Mexico revealed through an interesting study that raspberries are very effective for quitting smoking. 

Raspberries contain a high level of ellagic acid. This substance removes nicotine and other harmful substances from the body.

6. Spinach

Eat raw spinach. Do not cook it, because it will lose some of its vitamins and folic acid, two essential components for the elimination of nicotine from the body.

7. Eliminate nicotine with peppers

As with spinach, it is best to eat peppers raw. Cut them into small pieces and add them to salads.

Peppers contain a high amount of vitamin C and vitamins B2 and B6, essential for healing the body from the negative effects of tobacco.

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