5 Habits For Optimal Mental Health

Many of us adopt various habits without realizing how harmful they are to our mental health. Find out more about this topic in the next article.
5 habits for optimal mental health

Today we want to talk to you about five habits without which it is impossible to have optimal mental health.

Like any motor (and like any other part of the body), the human brain needs maintenance. It is essential to have optimal mental health. For this reason, October 10 marks World Mental Health Day. The main objective of the authorities is to inform the public about the silent danger of mental illness and the stigma associated with it, emphasizing the importance of asking for help when we have such a problem.

We often do not realize how important our mental health is until something or someone harms it. Do you have any idea how much time you spend taking care of your psyche?

Why is it important to have optimal mental health?

Person practicing yoga on the beach to have optimal mental health

The importance of our mental state is equal to or even greater than that of our physical condition. The fact that we go to the doctor for any physical symptom, but refuse to seek the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist when we are overwhelmed by emotions is a real paradox.

Mental health cannot be seen with the naked eye. After all, the symptoms experienced are generally subjective. Therefore, we tend not to worry too much and not to ask for the help of a specialist. As a result, we endure discomfort until it becomes a disorder.

It is essential to take proper care of your mental health and ask for help when you feel you need it. In an ideal world, each of us would go to a psychologist as often as a family doctor.

That being said, here are some habits you can apply to take care of your mental health.

Optimal mental health with 5 beneficial habits

1. Don’t skip breakfast

How many times have you heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? Many people fail to incorporate the first meal of the day into their routine. Unfortunately, this habit is not very healthy because it causes hypoglycemia.

Do you know what happens when your blood sugar drops too much? The organs are compromised due to the fact that their need for sugars is not met, as a result of which the brain does not receive enough nutrients and begins to degrade slowly. Therefore, you will have a lower intellectual performance during the day.

As hard as it may seem to believe, excessive blood sugar can cause anxiety and depression-like symptoms.

2. Get enough sleep

The human body cannot regenerate in the absence of sleep. Many people go to bed late or cannot sleep due to stress. If this becomes a habit, cognitive processes will be significantly affected. Lack of sleep can cause stress, depression, poor mood and, in the long run, strokes.

You need to sleep at least eight hours a night to have optimal mental health.

3. Don’t smoke

Woman smoking a cigarette
Quitting cigarettes is good for the health of the whole body and can improve your mental state.

Health professionals who treat mental health problems often overlook tobacco use. This phenomenon is based on the idea that cigarettes would be useful in treating depression, anxiety and substance abuse.

But researchers at the University of Washington have shown that people with mood or addiction can eliminate smoking from their routine without any problems. At the same time, smoking cessation has been associated with improved mental health.

4. Get enough exercise

Miguel del Valle, a professor at the University of Oviedo and delegate of the Rectorate for Sport and Health, says: “Although the impact of exercise on mental health is still being studied, movement acts on the central nervous system, stabilizing protein levels and preventing disorders associated with nutrients. ”

Sport is not only good for the body – and your brain will thank you! Improved blood circulation supports mental health. In addition, physical activity can help you reduce your stress level and pause your thoughts.

5. Do not abuse electronic devices

Angry woman buttoning her cell phone
Excessive use of digital screens has been associated with problems such as insomnia, stress and anxiety.

At the moment, most of our social interactions take place online. We pay more attention to those electronic devices that allow us to access social networks and other similar platforms.

The constant use of technology, especially smartphones, prevents us from living in the present. This habit can cause vision problems, stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Now that you have discovered what habits you can adopt to have optimal mental health, you can significantly improve your quality of life!

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