5 Foods That Reduce The Craving For Sweets

Cinnamon can inhibit the craving for sugar that often occurs immediately after a meal, when we feel the need to eat sweets.
5 foods that reduce the craving for sweets

One of the most common causes of obesity is impulsive eating. People prone to this habit tend to consume unhealthy foods, rich in sugars, flour and harmful fats. In this case, certain measures are needed to reduce the craving for sweets.

The unhealthy foods mentioned above do not contain all the nutrients needed by the human body. In addition, they are easily deposited as reserves in the regions of the body most vulnerable to fat accumulation.

In this article, we will present some foods that you can eat to inhibit the craving for sweets. The uncontrollable need to eat sweet is often linked to a blood sugar imbalance.

Healthy sweets

The secret of the food we are going to present to you is that they are all naturally sweet. Some contain healthy sugars, while others contain certain nutrients that give them a sweet taste.

In both cases, these foods can satisfy your craving for sweets. Blood glucose levels fluctuate constantly, which can cause the need to consume sugar. The following foods will help you counteract this need.

Cinnamon reduces the craving for sweets

Used as a natural remedy to treat type II diabetes, cinnamon has the ability to reduce blood sugar and slow down the process of emptying the stomach. This spice can inhibit the craving for sweets that often appears immediately after a meal.

How should this food be consumed?

Cinnamon can be eaten in several ways. We advise you to opt for Ceylon cinnamon, which is the most beneficial for the body and to include it in your daily diet as follows:

  • As an ingredient in sweets and desserts (cake, fruit tart, ice cream, etc.).
  • As an infusion, after a meal.
  • Combined with honey, on an empty stomach.
A drink of cinnamon will reduce your craving for sweets


Pumpkin is rich in carbohydrates. However, thanks to the large amount of fiber it contains, the body will gradually absorb these substances, which will help regulate blood sugar.

Usually, people who are used to consuming excess sweets have a stomach infested with intestinal parasites. These parasites stimulate the craving for sweets, because they feed on such foods. 

For this reason, we advise you to eat pumpkin seeds, one of the oldest remedies for intestinal parasites.

How should this food be consumed?

Although they are generally cooked before being served, pumpkins can also be eaten raw, preferably as an ingredient in salads. If you still want to cook this food, one of the best options is a creamy dessert.

Thanks to its sweet taste, you can cut a pumpkin into thin strips and bake it, adding a little cinnamon. The dessert you will get will be absolutely delicious!

Pumpkin cream soup reduces the craving for sweets


Carrots also contain complex carbohydrates that must be digested to be converted into sugar. As with pumpkins, these substances are gradually absorbed and do not cause cravings for sweets.

How is this food consumed?

Preferably, carrots are eaten raw. If you have a food processor, it is best to combine this food with a fruit (such as apples) and prepare a juice. You can use carrots as an ingredient to prepare garnishes, salads, soups or even sandwiches.

Sweet potatoes

There are many varieties of sweet potatoes, but they all have in common a characteristic sweet taste. Sweet potatoes are rich in natural sugars, which should not worry you because they also contain a lot of fiber.

How is this food consumed?

Sweet potatoes are very filling, but we do not advise you to eat them in the afternoon. The ideal times to serve this food are in the morning and at noon. Like ordinary potatoes, sweet potatoes can be baked or boiled.

Stevia rebaudiana

Originally from Paraguay, Stevia rebaudiana has become a very popular natural sweetener thanks to its many health benefits. Among these benefits is, as in the case of cinnamon, the ability to regulate blood sugar.

Moreover, Stevia rebaudiana does not contain any calories, which is why it is very useful to combat the craving for sweets. The natural sweet taste of this plant will help you overcome the need to consume excess sugar.

How is this food consumed?

Stevia rebaudiana can be used to naturally sweeten infusions, lemonades and many other drinks.

Photo source: alpha, ccharmon and sweetbeetandgreenbean.

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