Massive Hair Loss: Deficiencies And Diseases That Can Cause It

In general, protein deficiency or anemia tend to be the most common causes of hair loss. However, it is necessary to pay attention to other possible problems. 
Massive hair loss: deficiencies and diseases that can cause it

Massive hair loss is a common problem that affects both women and men of all ages. Hair falls out when certain changes occur in the scalp and follicles. This phenomenon can be caused by a disease or certain changes in the environment.

It is normal to lose between 90 and 100 hairs a day. However, in the case of some people, so many strands fall out that a difference in hair volume can be observed.

The problem is that some people initially ignore the massive hair loss and do not analyze the possible reasons behind this discomfort. It is vital to find out the cause of the problem to find the right treatment.

In today’s article, we present several possible causes of hair loss, so you can identify the one that is valid in your case.

1. Massive hair loss can be caused by a lack of protein

Massive hair loss can be caused by a lack of protein

Hair is made up mostly of protein. Therefore, the lack of this nutrient in the body may be partly responsible for the weakening and loss of hair.

When there is a deficiency, the body begins to rationalize the small amounts of protein remaining. Thus, hair growth is stopped and the hair becomes thinner.


To keep your hair thick and healthy and to reduce hair loss, be sure to eat the following foods:

  • Lean meat
  • seed
  • NUTS
  • Dried fruits
  • Legume
  • Avocado
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs

2. Excessive use of chemicals

Chemical cosmetic treatments are used to change the appearance of hair or to treat its dryness or split ends. Many of these products contain harmful substances that, over time, cause irreversible damage that leads to hair loss.

Hair dyes, bleaching treatments and certain shampoos cause changes in the scalp and hair.


Use masks and hair treatments with natural ingredients.

3. Thyroid dysfunction

Thyroid dysfunction can cause massive hair loss

Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause massive hair loss due to hormonal disorders caused by the thyroid gland. These dysfunctions produce various changes in the body which, if ignored, can have many negative consequences.


If you suspect that you are suffering from thyroid problems, go to the doctor and ask for a blood test to observe the effects of this gland on hormonal secretions.

4. Hereditary factors

Sometimes massive hair loss is not caused by a particular disease. In these cases, treatment is much more difficult because the cause is genetic. In this situation, hair loss may worsen after the age of 20.


  • Ask a doctor’s opinion to find out if certain hereditary factors are the cause of hair loss in your case and discuss a way to reduce this effect.

5. Anemia

Anemia can lead to massive hair loss

Anemia occurs due to lack of iron. This mineral is essential for the production of erythrocytes. The fact that you suffer from anemia is an indication of an insufficient amount of hemoglobin, which makes it difficult to transport oxygen to the body’s cells.

One of the main effects of anemia is massive hair loss, a problem that you can combat by treating the condition.


  • Increase the consumption of foods rich in iron and follow the treatment recommended by a specialist.

6. Polycystic ovary syndrome

In women, there are certain hormonal disorders that can cause hair loss. For example, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) causes severe hormonal imbalances that lead to weakening of the scalp and hair.

Women with PCOS should be under medical supervision, as this problem can cause infertility.


  • Go to the doctor to detect a possible hormonal imbalance.
  • A hair strengthening treatment follows to reduce the negative effects of this condition.

7. Stress

Physical and mental stress is a common cause of hair loss. This effect is easy to ignore because stress causes many other problems in the body that require special attention.


Practice relaxation exercises and try to avoid stressful circumstances.

Do you think that in your case, the massive hair loss is caused by one of the factors mentioned above? To combat this problem, go to the doctor and start the prescribed treatment as soon as possible. 

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