7 Solutions To Prevent Nail Redness

Are you used to brushing your nails? Here are 7 natural remedies that help you get rid of this habit!
7 solutions to prevent nail redness

The red of the nails is called onychophagia. This habit can be caused by boredom, anxiety, nervousness or fear. 

In addition to causing an aesthetic problem, red nails can cause infections in the fingers and cuticles. Therefore, it is important to give up this tic.

Below, we offer you some solutions that can be very helpful.

Can I really get rid of the habit of biting my nails?

Red nails can have various negative consequences

Onychophagia is more common among boys and men, as they are less concerned with the appearance of their hands.

Red nails are a harmful habit that often occurs in traumatic or stressful situations: taking an exam, losing a job, the death of a loved one, a plane trip, etc.

In general, people who have this nervous tic bite not only their nails, but also the soft tissues of their fingers and cuticles. Thus, many negative consequences can occur, such as:

  • Bleeding and wounds;
  • Diseases caused by bacteria or fungi;
  • Nail deformity;
  • Dental problems (destruction of enamel, caries);
  • Lesions of the oral cavity (ulcerations);
  • Gastric disorders (when nails are swallowed);
  • Respiratory problems (if you inhale a piece of nail, and it reaches the lungs or gets stuck in the larynx).

There is also the issue of the appearance of the fingers. Usually, people who bite their nails hide their hands, feel embarrassed and do so secretly.

Natural solutions that help you give up red nails

This difficult to control habit can be treated. You just need willpower, a little effort and dedication, but also some natural solutions. Here are some of them:

Drink soothing teas

Some herbs available in health food stores help fight anxiety and nervousness, so you no longer have the tendency to bite your nails.

Most of the time, stress is the trigger for onychophagia. In this case, we recommend you to opt for valerian or passion flower.


  • 2 tablespoons of the chosen plant (20 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Boil the water and pour it into a cup.
  • Add the plant and let it infuse for 5 minutes.
  • After this interval, strain the tea.
  • Drink it before it cools.

Chew gum or roots

The habit of chewing licorice prevents redness of the nails

It may sound strange, but this is one of the most effective strategies to get rid of red nails. The habit of chewing gum or plant roots reduces the anxiety and stress that causes you to “attack” your nails. 

Every time you feel like biting your nails, we recommend chewing ginger root, licorice sticks or sugar-free gum to prevent cavities.

Hold an anti-stress ball in your hand

You can find this item in toy stores. These are soft balls also used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

You can squeeze them very hard in your hands, which helps you fight the anxiety and discomfort that causes you to bite your nails.

When you go through difficult situations that cause you anxiety, always keep an anti-stress ball at hand.

Apply bitter oils on the fingers

Many essential oils have a bitter taste that can prevent onychophagia. The best are tea tree oil and neem. Both will leave a bad taste in your mouth, which is why you will not be tempted to bite your nails.

It’s very simple: apply a few drops of the chosen essential oil on a piece of cotton wool and spread it on your nails. 

You will need to repeat the procedure several times a day, as the oil may be absorbed into the skin or wiped off.

Apply garlic or lemon

Lemon helps prevent redness of the nails

If you do not have essential oils at hand, there is no problem. You can replace them with ingredients you already have in your pantry or refrigerator.

Lemon, garlic or even hot peppers help you give up red nails. Some people soak their fingers in spicy sauce.

Whichever option you choose, be very careful not to cause negative reactions in the mouth.

He’s wearing gloves

If you can’t resist the temptation to gnaw your nails even when you go to bed to sleep, we recommend wearing gloves. Use this method in the “dead” moments when you are not busy and therefore more tempted:

  • When you watch TV.
  • When you read a book.
  • When you sit at the table and talk, after you have finished eating.
  • The night.

Adopt a diet rich in essential oils

If you bite your nails when you are excited or hungry, we recommend that you adopt a diet rich in vitamin B and omega 3 fatty acids.  These nutrients prolong the feeling of satiety. Here are some of the foods you should eat more often:

  • Milk;
  • Oily fruits;
  • Salmon;
  • Oat.

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