The Easiest Apple Tart Recipe

Apple pie is a dessert that may initially seem difficult to make. But you have a few tricks that make it a very easy recipe.
The easiest apple tart recipe

To prepare the next apple tart recipe, you need to slightly modify the original version. You will be able to keep the essentials of the recipe, but you will optimize it in terms of cooking time. You don’t have to worry, this won’t affect the taste of the dessert.

You can prepare apples as you usually do, but what is different in this apple tart recipe is the preparation of the dough for the crust.  For this variant, we will use an easy and quick mixture to prepare, the main ingredients being Maria biscuits and butter.

Thanks to this dough, the preparation time is considerably reduced and you will be able to enjoy this dessert in a short time.

Why do you have to take into account?

Apple tart recipe made with Maria biscuits

As for the caloric intake that this apple tart recipe brings, it all depends on the amount you consume. As we usually tell you, it is not always about the type of food consumed, but about the quantity.

From a nutritional point of view, apples have many health benefits. Therefore, their inclusion in this recipe does not mean that the vitamins are lost with the preparation. On the contrary, apples retain their vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates even after cooking.

However, if you suffer from celiac disease or are lactose intolerant, you can replace some of the ingredients with gluten-free or lactose-free products. The tart will be delicious with those ingredients as well.

For example, people who are lactose intolerant may use vegetable milk (preferably soy or almond milk), and those who are gluten intolerant may use, for example, chickpea flour.

The easiest apple tart recipe

To prepare apple pie, you need the main ingredients: wheat flour and Maria biscuits. Find out below how to prepare this apple tart recipe:


  • A cup of wheat flour (120 g)
  • 30 g of butter
  • 5 medium-sized red apples
  • 4 tablespoons and a half sugar (45 g)
  • A cup of milk (250 ml)
  • A packet of Maria biscuits (240 g)
  • 5 tablespoons peach jam (50 g)

Method of preparation

  1. Start by crushing Maria’s cookies. You can use a mixer or a twister.
  2. Then add the melted butter over the crushed biscuits. Mix these two ingredients with a spoon.
  3. The consistency must be similar to that of wet sand. If you think it is necessary, you can add a little more melted butter.
  4. Pour this mixture into a tart baking dish. This mixture will form the crust, ie the base of the tart.
  5. Be sure to shape the tart according to the bowl so that the crust is even.
  6. Continue by processing the following ingredients in a blender: 3 sliced ​​apples, milk, flour, sugar.
  7. Then pour the mixture obtained over the previously prepared base. Peel the remaining two apples, cut them into slices and place them according to your preference over the filling.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 ºC, then bake the tart for an hour.
  9. Finally, take the dish out of the oven. After it has cooled, place the jam over the tart with a kitchen brush.
Apple tart recipe made with butter and biscuits

In conclusion: innovation means a lot in the kitchen

It is good to understand what exactly this concept contains, to discover what details are behind this special sweet dish. For this recipe, the innovation is how to prepare the crust.

We know that it would be ideal to be able to enjoy a delicious apple tart without spending a lot of time preparing it. Preparing the dough for the crust based on Maria biscuits and melted butter is much simpler. Also, thanks to these biscuits, you get the same consistency of tart crust. However, you can also prepare the base with your own recipe.

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