The Jar Of Gratitude: A Unique Method

Practicing gratitude is an activity that is becoming more widespread in the world of psychology and personal development. In this article, we will teach you several exercises – such as creating a jar of gratitude – that will allow you to include this habit in your daily life.
The jar of gratitude: a unique method

Moreover, gratitude also reduces the frustration caused by things we do not have or have lost (for example, a missed job opportunity, a romantic relationship, material goods, our own health, etc.).

According to American author Melody Beattie, gratitude is a practice that transforms everyday reality:

The benefits of gratitude

Girl meditating
In addition to creating a peaceful environment, being grateful helps us reduce anxiety and other emotions that cause sadness.

Being grateful improves our health and gives us a better level of well-being. It helps us better manage anxiety, anger and sadness. This is because gratitude makes us appreciate the little details we often overlook and helps reduce suffering.

Consider, for example, people with depression. It is very likely that they will focus on the pain and sadness in their lives. What can make these individuals grateful is to teach them to value what is good in life.

Maybe these people have the support of their families or enjoy good physical health. If they have a roof over their head and the opportunity to eat at least one meal a day, then they have enough reasons to be grateful. All of these are things we often consider implicit, but not all people have these privileges.

It is true that reflection on happiness will not make our problems go away. Especially for those who really suffer, it is difficult to see beyond the pain.

However, we can practice gratitude as a habit in our daily lives through practices such as creating a jar of gratitude. These types of practices help us see what really matters. So, we will tell you everything you need to know to create your jar of gratitude.

What is the jar of gratitude?

Person holding the jar of gratitude
A jar of gratitude is one of the many techniques that exist to help us practice gratitude.

A jar of gratitude is an exercise that allows us to practice gratitude in a very simple way. To make one, you need a jar or container, small pieces of plain paper (white or colored) and something to write with.

Once you have the jar, it is important to find a time when you are very calm and quiet. Then take a few minutes to summarize the situations or factors of the day that make you feel grateful. Write everything on a piece of paper, add the date, fold the paper and put it in the jar.

Often, experts recommend performing this practice just before going to bed. But, if for some reason, this doesn’t work for you, find any other time that you think is appropriate. What matters is to set a certain time of day and make a habit of laying down your thoughts on paper.

What other methods can you use to practice gratitude?

You can also create a jar in which the whole family can leave messages of mutual gratitude. Or, you can use self-adhesive notes to write down all the things you are grateful for. Displays notes in visible areas of the house

In fact, you don’t even have to put your thoughts on paper to reap the benefits of gratitude. You can simply create a habit of spending a few minutes a day reflecting on the aspects of life for which you feel grateful.

Regardless of the techniques you decide to use, expressing gratitude will significantly increase your well-being. In addition, it will give you the opportunity to grow emotionally. So what are you waiting for to start transforming your reality?

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