Intestinal Gases: What Do They Indicate About Your Health?

Intestinal gas is often a source of ridicule, jokes and embarrassment. In fact, they are an important source of information about your health. 
Intestinal gases: what do they indicate about your health?

Intestinal gas – the most troublesome problem of all digestive disorders. These appear at the most inopportune times. If you keep them inside you, they cause abdominal pain and make noises that attract the attention of those around you.

Although gas is a natural manifestation, social norms force us to refrain from eliminating it when we are in public. Therefore, this problem can also create difficulties in social life.

Even if it causes you embarrassment, intestinal gas is a very useful indicator of your health. These are created at the end of digestion, so they warn you if there was a problem in this process.

As you already know,  proper food metabolism is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. This process plays an important role in strengthening immunity and hormonal secretions, keeping anxiety and depression at bay, for example.

Therefore, it is important to pay more attention to intestinal gas. Forget prejudices and social stigmas. Remember, gas is a natural, common phenomenon, just like sneezing or itching.

You have to learn to accept the manifestations of your body.

Intestinal gas and what they say about your health

Irritable bowel syndrome

Intestinal gas can be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome

Even though irritable bowel syndrome is normally detected when you suffer from diarrhea or constipation, excessive flatulence may be the first stage of the condition.

  • It is normal to eliminate up to 14 gases a day.
  • If you suffer from this syndrome, gas is more common and the smell is stronger than normal.
  • If you notice these changes, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

Bad eating habits

When you eat too fast, you have digestive problems. The digestive system does not have enough time to produce the acids and gastric juices needed to process food. Thus, intestinal gas and other transit problems occur.

If you have developed a habit of eating too fast, you may develop infections or allergies that cause excessive flatulence.

Gases can be a symptom of ulcers and intestinal parasites

Gases can be a symptom of gastroduodenal ulcer

Gases may indicate the presence of lesions or ulcerations in the internal organs. In addition, this symptom is usually accompanied by belching.

As they are not caused by a particular habit, you will notice some changes if you encounter the difficulties mentioned above. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist as soon as you notice their appearance. There are health problems that can be treated if they are detected in time.

Sensitivity to certain foods and beverages

We are not just talking about allergies. There are certain foods and drinks that do not cause such severe reactions, but make you feel sick.

The body may produce intestinal gas to signal that it cannot properly metabolize a particular substance, even if it does not suffer from an autoimmune disease.

It is good to be careful when you have a lot of gas and when not. In this way, you can discover foods that cause you discomfort.

Drug side effects

Gases can be a side effect of certain medications

This time, the cause of the gas is easy to identify and is nothing serious, unless the drugs are used to treat a chronic disease. In this case, the symptom will appear from the beginning of the therapy.

If the treatment is temporary, gas is not a concern. However, if the medicines in question are administered for a long time, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Generally, there are several pharmaceuticals with which you can treat the same disease, so the specialist may recommend another treatment.

Intestinal gas is annoying, but it helps you spot a minor problem that can get complicated in the future. Whenever you have the opportunity, let them out and pay attention to certain aspects. Does it smell worse than before? Do they occur more frequently? Does it make you uncomfortable?

The information that gases can transmit is very useful. Thanks to them, you can make sure that you are healthy or, on the contrary, you can be warned that there is an irregularity that requires a medical consultation.

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