7 Reasons To Eat Eggs

Eggs have an undeserved bad reputation. These foods are very healthy and, consumed three to five times a week, offer many benefits to the body. 
7 reasons to eat eggs

There are many reasons to eat eggs. Popular all over the world, they are very nutritious and are included in the category of so-called “superfoods”.

Although they have gained a bad reputation due to the association with bad cholesterol, in reality eggs are an indispensable part of a healthy diet. It is true that they contain a small amount of fat, but the rich content of protein, vitamins and minerals is enough to add them to the regular diet.

Forget the false myths that tell you how dangerous this food is for health and discover 7 reasons to eat eggs without regrets.

1. Reasons to eat eggs if you want to lose weight

Reasons to eat eggs if you want to lose weight

If you are part of a healthy, low-calorie diet, eggs help you lose weight more easily.

  • They contain vitamins and minerals that nourish the body, preventing nutritional deficiencies and lack of energy.
  • The easily digestible proteins in their composition contribute to the development of muscle mass and the improvement of sports performance.
  • Eggs are among the most satiating foods, helping to control appetite.
  • A whole egg has about 77 calories.

2. Eggs fight fatigue

Consumed at breakfast, eggs combat morning drowsiness and lack of energy in the afternoon, which lowers your efficiency at work.

  • The small amount of fats and amino acids provides energy, increasing productivity physically and mentally.
  • Eggs contain vitamin B12, a nutrient that converts carbohydrates into energy.

3. They are good for eyesight

Reasons to eat eggs to keep your eyes healthy

Eggs are a great choice for eye care.

  • They are an important source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that protect cells and reduce the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and blindness.
  • In addition, eggs contain significant doses of vitamin A, and the lack of this nutrient is associated with an increased risk of developing eye disease.

4. Improve brain health

Eggs contain a nutrient called choline that improves brain health. This substance, accompanied by vitamin B, helps build cell membranes and prevent premature brain damage.

The body uses choline to build structures that transmit information to the brain and strengthen memory. This substance regulates the functioning of the nervous system and the activity of neurotransmitters.

5. Reduce inflammation

Reasons to eat eggs such as reducing inflammation

Foods high in fat, sugar and additives tend to cause inflammation in the body, which predisposes you to various chronic diseases.

Due to the content of choline, amino acids and antioxidants, eggs fight inflammation, protecting cells and tissues. 

  • This food improves the health of the brain and circulatory system, helping to optimize the process of oxygenation of cells.
  • If they are part of a healthy diet, eggs help eliminate waste from the blood. 
  • In addition, they stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a substance needed to maintain joint health.

6. Strengthen the immune system

Strengthening the immune system is one of the best reasons to eat eggs. The nutrients in this superfood participate in the formation of antibodies, helping in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms that attack the body. We are mainly talking about:

  • Vitamins A, complex B, D, E, K.
  • Minerals: selenium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc.

7. Helps strengthen bones

Strengthening bones on the list of reasons to eat eggs

Consumed regularly, eggs strengthen the effects of a healthy diet and exercise in maintaining bone strength.

  • Eggs contain a small amount of calcium, which helps prevent bone loss.
  • In addition, this food is one of the best sources of vitamin D, a nutrient that helps in the absorption of calcium in the body and the formation of bone tissue.

Now that you have so many reasons to eat eggs, do not hesitate to add them to your diet 3-5 times a week. You can try many tasty recipes!

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