Discover 5 Symptoms Of Kidney Problems

Pay attention to your body and you will see that it sends you various signals. This is essential to detect abnormalities so that you can take the necessary steps to treat yourself in time.
Discover 5 symptoms of kidney problems

There are various symptoms of kidney problems that warn us that there is an imbalance in the body. If in doubt, it is best to inform yourself. Only in this way will you be able to detect the origin of the problem in time and you will know when it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Remember, the role of the kidneys is to filter all waste from the body. As soon as they are filtered, these substances are transformed into urine and leave the body. Urine is largely made up of toxins and water.

One of the most common kidney problems is when the kidneys fail to filter the blood due to lack of fluids, especially water. If you do not drink enough water, the body retains waste and toxins. Thus, urea and creatinine accumulate, leading to a state of degradation.

Can kidney failure be detected in the early stages?

Woman affected by symptoms of kidney problems

In some cases, some symptoms warn us that a problem has been triggered. Such alarm signals deserve all the attention. Diseases should not be allowed to progress too much, as at some point they can become lethal.

Be careful if you suffer from the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney stones
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure

Unfortunately, in terms of renal failure, early diagnosis is difficult. Many specialists include this disorder in the category of “silent diseases”.

5 symptoms of kidney problems

Changes in urination habits

One of the main symptoms of kidney problems can be detected with the help of urine. It is not the physical characteristics of this liquid that are important, but the frequency with which we urinate and the amount of urine excreted.

In the early stages of kidney problems, the volume of urine excreted by the patient tends to increase. Later, it begins to decrease, although the feeling of the need to urinate remains increased.

Water retention

Water retention is a classic symptom of kidney problems. We may find that we suffer from water retention if we notice that our feet are inflamed, even though we have not moved.

In the more advanced stages, water retention can cause inflammation of the soft tissues of the ankles, hands and even the face. As a consequence, we must resort to remedies to combat the problem, even if it is only about temporary solutions.

Extreme fatigue

Exhaustion and the feeling of constant fatigue are symptoms of an imbalance in the body. Among other things, the problem could be caused by a kidney disorder.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, it is essential to consult a doctor in order to find out the cause. This way, you will know for sure if it is kidney failure or another problem.


Symptoms of kidney problems discovered with blood tests

Anemia also falls into the category of possible symptoms of kidney problems. But it does not necessarily indicate that the kidneys are sick. Only a specialist can tell you if you suffer from anemia due to these organs or not.

Generalized itching

The general itching sensation is an obvious alarm signal of a kidney problem. If the kidneys do not work properly, the skin becomes irritated. Toxins accumulate and compromise the patient’s health. So, if you have itching, do not ignore this symptom and consult a doctor.

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