What Sense Prevails In Your Life?

Have you ever wondered what sense prevails in your life and what influence it has on your behavior?
What sense prevails in your life?

When we interact with the environment, we use one or more of the basic senses. Find out what feeling prevails in your life.

How do you relate to the environment?

People have five basic senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Most consider sight and hearing to be the most important senses, followed by taste or smell.

According to the theory formulated in the paper Neuro-linguistic programming, depending on his personality, an individual will perceive the world through his senses and in a different way from his peers.

The senses are “gates of perception” that we open to make contact with reality. We know four types of systems through which we relate to the environment: visual, kinesthetic, auditory, olfactory-gustatory. However, each person has differentiated the “gates” to the world and to himself, one of the four systems becoming dominant.

The typologies of people depending on what they feel predominate in their lives

1. Visual persons

What I feel predominates in your life

Are you the kind of person who prefers a quiet environment when studying? Or when you’re behind the wheel and looking for an address, do you turn off the radio right away so as not to distract your attention? Well, visual people need a lot of silence to be able to focus.

They are full of energy and have a developed spirit of observation. When they have to memorize something, the visuals will always have a sheet and a pencil at hand. They need a visual stimulus for their memory to come into action. Parks and forests calm them down.

2. Hearing persons

Are you the kind of person who likes to express his thoughts out loud? Other people may be surprised by such a habit, but in reality it is not unusual.

If you are an auditory person, you will tend to verbalize your ideas or talk to yourself. In addition, people like you can easily listen to others, which is why it will never be difficult for you to retain various information.

Hearing people have very expressive personalities and very good communication skills. They know how to express themselves and how to listen to others. They can even have a conversation while listening to music.

Unlike visual people, who often cannot concentrate if they are surrounded by too many stimuli, hearing people can do several things at the same time.

3. Kinesthetic people

Painting with butterflies and happy woman

What are your hobbies? Do you like crafts? Do you love to cook for your loved ones? Can you build various objects with your own hands? Do you like working outdoors? Do you have a garden where you grow vegetables or flowers? Do you practice any sport? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then it means that you are a kinesthetic person.

Neuro-linguistic programming tells us that kinesthetic people are generally peaceful, very emotional and have a predisposition to physical activities.

They are the ones who like to discover for themselves how to do something instead of following the advice of others, and their expressiveness is manifested by a permanent desire to socialize.

Unlike visual people, kinesthetic ones do not have a very good observational spirit. They are more spontaneous, but also less introspective.

If it is not clear to you what feeling prevails in your life, it is possible to have common features with each of the three types described above. Each of us is tailored to a certain sensory system, most of us obviously describe ourselves as a cumulation of all.

For example, visual people are much more relaxed than auditory or kinesthetic people, while kinesthetic people are more agitated and extroverted.

An interesting aspect of Neuro-linguistic Programming is that sensory systems are considered the bridge between our self and reality.

So what sense prevails in your life? Are you a visual, auditory or kinesthetic person?

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